Do you believe in karma?
MY NEIGHBORHOOD is a must-see reality we can conveniently turn away from but shouldn't. Because we can help breed hope to stop hate and injustice.
Curiously, the full documentary on Vimeo cannot be embbeded:
But you can watch it here: or here: Further footage from the documentary can be seen on Just Vision channel on youtube:
part 1 of 4
Click to view part 2 of 4
Click to view part 3 of 4
Click to view part 4 of 4
Click to view Al Jazeera: The New Yorker Haaretz Is justice blind? If so, we have no choice but to denounce and do everything we can to help stop the barbaric Israeli take-over of Palestinian homes in Sheikh Jarrah and all the regions where this is happening.
If you happen to know survivors of the Holocaust, ask them if their eviction by the Nazis was any different then this?
If it was not, then, would the repulsion for the Nazis and the sympathy we feel for the Jewish people during World War II compel us to feel the same way for what is happening in East Jerusalem and all other regions today where the Israelis are the Nazis and the Palestinians are the persecuted Jews of World War II?
Is this a fair comparison? Learn more and ask your conscience.
1. “Israeli settlements approval raises tensions before Middle East peace talks,” Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian, August 9, 2013, You can watch the full documentary here: “The status of West Bank property that belonged to Jews prior to 1948: HCJ 3036/03 Shlomo Valero v. State of Israel (judgment rendered February 6, 2011),” Yotam Ben Hillel, Hamoked: Center for the Defense of the Individual, April 4, 2012, “The Sheikh Jarrah Affair: The Strategic Implications of Jewish Settlement in an Arab Neighborhood in East Jerusalem,” Yitzhak Reiter and Lior Lehrs, The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, 2010, Israeli interpretation of the land law as applied in East Jerusalem and the West Bank is itself problematic. For a primer, see HOW YOU CAN HELP = ACTION LINK: Thank you for forwarding this documentary and action link.