back from the dead.

Dec 29, 2008 16:04

i'm back from canberra and a hideous bout of illness. so much news. so many updates. so lazy. i know i'll write it all up. i think i have two odd months worth of detailing i want to get down- as well as a growing list of new years resolutions and projects.

i'm on a real artistic bent. the swimwear thing has been put on a tiny bit of a hold due to finding someone to work with. i'm enjoying joint projects at the moment. if anyone has any crazy ideas they wanna put to me, go ahead :) i'm more than happy to put my organisational and formiddable set up skills at your disposal, if nothing else.

at the moment i'm working on several projects- web and graphic related, literary, spiritual and design, fashion, art, fetish. i'm really enjoying the full on work, though i'm feeling a little bad too, because being swept up in the big projects has kind of pushed some of the smaller ones to the side (see chainmail armour and forged projects for ryan, among others). working with other people has proved really invigorating for someone who has gotten very used to working solo. go creative collaboration!

i've got a few spare months before i begin a new course of study. i'm eager to fill them up with productivity after such a period of laziness.

i admit to bad-friendness though, with much sadness and reluctance. i've been having troubles keeping in touch with and track of friends i'm not working on projects with. i'm going to try and work on that. but, i've also got some projects in the works which i could use a hand with if you're really missing me and not willing to wait til i stop being retarded :P
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