May 08, 2006 01:10
Ever wondered what it would be like to go back change something. We all have, but the question is that is it possible. I've pondered the time travel thing every once in a while, and here what has come up in my thoughts mainly focused toward the concept of time itself.
A belief that's pass through my mind is that time, or in this case the timeline, is non-linear, forked rather. The second part to this is that the timeline is not universal, it's rather I believe personal. Where it forks though, I have some debate in my mind about that one. One belief is that it forks at every decision you make. However, I pushed this one to the back because they are so many situations where the choice either obvious or doesn't matter in the long run. The second theory is that there are situations where put back there you could have made the opposite decision, this theory seems a little more plausible there is a split in mind and rationale.
However, if the timeline is forked and personal, does that mean there are multiple you's floating around different timestreams. My answer is no, because since everyone's timeline is this way and forking happens at different points and different numbers of times, it can't be true. Rather, there is one you in the timeline you are currently in. Everyone else is a representation of that person within your personal timeline. Goes back to the philosophy that the only person that you know exists is yourself.
I've been slowly working on this theory overall, however there is obviously many holes that need to be worked out especially in the space versus time aspect of it, but anyone feel free to chat with me about this. The concept of time is always something interesting to talk about, and my ideas develop leaps and bounds when there is someone to discuss it with. Feel free to leave your questions and comments.