Feb 27, 2005 04:22
so much to write
* friday night pick up susan and gp to micyds get food find a cell phone get going
*get lost get found get there
*lauen needs to pee we become rodes get inside
*see ppll i know see ppl i dont know
*see the freshmen girl erica latches on to me
*say hi to a bunch of ppl and then i go make a brown baby(miles thanz for the directions
*go inside some gay band is play it sucked
*then they get off that was good
*eggy and the scramblers got on that was goood
*they start sounds good ian sings sounds bad-but overal good
*johhny nash the crazy mf there shows up im like his personal body gurd its kool
*they get off an emo/punk band gets on dont like it
*they get off stf getrs on they were sweet
*played one song which i couldnt sit down too and stood right in front of them wit my cell phone on glowing.
*then they gave out shirts and cds io got a shirt didnt fit gave it to johnny
*they played anopther song and some guys started to mosh i c poli on the floor go over pick that kid up and take him outside
*one of the fucking emo/punk kids was laughing felt like punching him in the face like multitimes
*get back in and NASH was on hell fucking yea
*they rocked to helll
*they won a pineapple idk
*got the new STF CD shapeshifter
*drove jr to his dadies pizariea
*drove susan home
*went home and to sleep
*woke up ate played video games
*went to pbi wit john
*i was 2 for 4 wit a great play in the feild and 3 stolen bases
*go home get a shower in and go out again pick up john then mark oo yeabros in the car as well
*get to the mall see the south girls and wat not go eat
*then lasertag
*my hands were to big for the gun
*go to the icerink to watch ppl fall
*get a soda and then a refill for free
*ummmm go to barnes and nobles mark like lays down his marker oni a picture
*we go to the arcade sweet my ass off playing air hockey
*go to shoprite and get donuts and cherry coke
*that was fucking great
now im up at like 440 and im stil not alseep