General Hospital - Scrubs Fic - Come Back 17/20

May 27, 2011 06:39

Originally posted by: tkfaf Mar 25 2008, 06:08 PM

A/N So I know I left you all hanging WAY TOO LONG AGAIN, but I hope that some of you are still interested in this story and that you aren't too mad at me. Thank you SO MUCH for all the stalking. Please keep the comments coming because I really love reading what you all think about my little, without further delay, here is Chapter 17....


Despite the fact that she knew a decade had gone by, the apartment looked exactly the same. Even the living room had the same furniture, right down to the dark, brown leather couch, which had caused one of the silliest arguments they had ever had. He was sleeping on that very couch, curled up with one of her old sweaters pressed to his chest. Feeling the undeniable pull they had for each other from the beginning, Robin made her way over to sit in front of him on the floor. His hair was the same tousled mess it had always been, except the brown mop was now speckled with grey around the sides. Underneath the unshaven hair on his face, he was still a very handsome man. Robin smiled at the thought that Patrick was defying age much the same as Noah had.

"He looks good, doesn't he?" Robin asked Stone.

"Yeah, he does, " Stone nodded.

Robin turned back to look at Patrick. "I bet he's dreaming up some amazing new surgical procedure that will revolutionize the field of neurology." Robin smiled as she reached out to brush the hair back from his face, but stopped when she realized she wouldn't be able to feel him.

"Robin!" Patrick called out, suddenly sitting up, causing Robin to fall back on her heels in surprise. Patrick looked around frantically for a few seconds, before dropping his head into his hands. Looking around the room, Robin shivered as she noticed how dark and unnaturally quiet it was; almost like she had walked across her own tomb.

"What's wrong Robin?" Stone asked.

"Everything I guess," Robin sighed. "Nothing has changed in ten years Stone. This place is exactly like it was when I was here. The couch, the dining room, the books, the knick-knacks," she said pointing around the room. "It's not like I thought he would forget about me, but this...this isn' just shouldn't be like this,” she said, throwing her hands up in frustration. "What should I do Stone? Should I try to comfort him?"

Stone shrugged his shoulders. "It couldn't hurt."

Robin slowly got up off the floor and sat on the couch next to Patrick. "Patrick, I'm still here baby." Robin wasn't sure what the protocol was for a ghost. She was just working off instinct. The ringing of the phone startled them all. Stone and Robin watched as Patrick slowly reached over to the phone on the table near the couch and hit the speaker button.

"Hey Sport."

"Hey dad," Patrick said listlessly.

"I was just calling to check on you."

"You always do."

The exasperation was evident in Noah’s voice. "Somebody has to..." Patrick said nothing as he stared at the phone. "Look son, I know this is a hard week for you. The offer is still open if you want to come visit me in the city."

"Thanks dad, but I think I'll just spend a quiet evening at home...maybe drink a beer...look at some old pictures..."

"I don't think that's a good idea Patrick."

"I'll talk to you later dad," Patrick said as he pushed the button to disconnect the call. Robin watched Patrick walk over to the bookshelf and pull down a picture of the two of them from Luke and Laura's wedding. He gently traced the lines of their faces as he leaned against the window sill.

"We were robbed, you know," Patrick said softly as he continued to look at the photo. "We were supposed to have more time..."


"Will you please give it a rest Robert!"

"Well, they should be doing something Anna!"

"They are doing everything they can Robert. I know this is a difficult concept for you to grasp, but we have to just wait and have faith in the fact that our daughter is strong enough to fight her way back to us."

Patrick could hear Robin's parents bickering through the closed door. Sitting by her bed, he understood exactly how Robert felt. He wanted to wave a magic wand and fix it. That's what surgeons did. Identify the problem, take the patient to the OR, and the issue was resolved, hopefully with the patient in a much better state than when they came in. In the OR, things were black and white rather than this limbo that he felt ill equipped to deal with. Although he didn't acknowledge her, Patrick heard Anna slip quietly into the room. He could feel her watching him as she approached.

"Neither of you are very good at this," she told him softly. Patrick gave her a confused look as she sat in the chair next to him and looked at her daughter. "You and Robert, like most men, don't sit still very well. You think if you're not moving about, that you're failing somehow, but I'm going to let you in on a secret Robin and I have known for a long time." Anna picked up Robin's hand, stroking it gently, before she continued. "You are her anchor Patrick; her reason not to slip away from us. So sitting beside her bed - talking to her - is doing something Patrick; it's exactly what you need to be doing for her right now."

"What if it's not enough?"

Anna smiled at him. "I may be halfway around the world most of the time, but I've had enough conversations with my daughter to know that you're more than enough, so don't let that massive ego of yours falter now." Anna squeezed his shoulder and gently placed a kiss on his cheek before leaving.

"I think your mother likes me," he said looking at Robin, feeling some of his usual swagger and charm returning in the wake of Anna's visit. "You didn't tell me that your conversations included discussing me. Knowing you two though, I'm not sure I want to know the details," he laughed softly. Robin hadn't moved at all, but he had the feeling that she listening anyway.


Robin felt a crushing weight in her chest as she watched Patrick sit on the couch staring at another picture of her. The coffee table was covered in pictures from their photo box that he had been sifting through. Stone sat quietly by the window, graciously allowing her the time she needed, although she was sure it was hard for him to watch. She had no idea how long they sat there in silence before the doorbell rang. Patrick glanced at the door, but made no move towards it until the pounding started.

"Come on Drake! I know you're in there!"

"Go away," Patrick said as he set the photo down on the end table.

"Don't make me break this door down, because you know I will." Patrick grumbled as he made his way to the door and threw it open. Not waiting for an invitation, or perhaps to avoid the door being slammed in his face, Leo marched into the room.

"Hi Leo. Nice to see you again. Won't you come in?"

"I see your time off hasn't improved your mood any," Leo said sitting down on the couch and picking up one of the photos on the coffee table.

"What do you want Leo?" Patrick asked as he snatched the photo from Leo's hands.

"Since when does a guy have to have a reason to drop in on a friend?"

"Who ever said we're that good of friends or that I wanted company?" Patrick retorted.

"Once upon a time, my friend, you used to have charm and personality."

"Yeah, so you tell me." Patrick stood by the bookcase as Leo watched him from the couch.

Robin was surprised at how Patrick was goading Leo, who had always been nice to both of them. "It's hard to believe watching this, but Leo and Patrick are good friends Stone. I just don't understand."

I'm sure they still are Robin," Stone said. "Leo probably wouldn't be here if they weren't still buddies."

"Look man," Leo told Patrick. "Regina thought it might be a good idea to take you with us to Jake's, but I can see you're spoiling for a fight, so I'm just going to tell her the bear is holed up in his cave and ain't fit to come out yet."

"You do that."

"I will," Leo said standing up and heading for the door. "Call me when you're tolerable again."

Patrick slammed the door behind Leo and went back to stand in front of the window. Robin wanted to tell him so many things. That she was still here, that she still loved him, that he was wasting precious time, but she knew he wouldn't hear her and that tore at her heart most of all.

"Robin," Stone said urgently while tugging on Robin's arm. "Robin, come on, I think you've seen enough. Besides, I think we're supposed to be some place else."

"Where?" Robin asked, not taking her eyes off Patrick as Stone continued to pull her away.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that it's a matter of life and death," Stone said.


"We're at the docks..." Robin said to Stone.

"Yeah," he replied looking around the dark and empty space. Robin turned at the sound of heels clicking towards them and saw Carly walk down the steps. When Carly reached the bottom, she stopped and rifled through her purse, eventually pulling out her cell phone.

"Drop the phone bitch," Anna said coldly as she stepped out of the shadows, pointing a gun at Carly. Robin could see a wild look in her mother's eyes. It was a look that sent chills up and down her spine; the same look Sonny had in his after Lily died. Robin's heart pounded in her chest and she reached out to grip Stone's arm in an effort to steady herself. Anna slowly made her way down the stairs, keeping the gun trained on Carly as she approached. "I said drop the phone bitch!"

"You're violating the restraining order Anna," Carly said dropping the phone down on the docks. Robin saw a hint of fear in Carly's eyes.

"A piece of paper won't stop me from making you pay for all the things you did to my daughter, especially killing her."

"Now wait a minute Anna," Carly said raising her hands. "I didn't kill Robin."

"YES YOU DID!" Anna screamed.

"Mom stop!" Robin's pleas hung in the air, unheard by her mother or Carly.

"Yes you did," Anna said, struggling to regain control of herself. "It was your son who got Robin sick and now it's time for you to pay up for that and everything else you did to her."

Just as Carly took a step back, Robin saw Patrick come around the corner. Her heart clutched in her chest as Patrick looked first at Carly and then Anna.

"Anna? What are you doing?" Patrick asked.

"Stay out of it Patrick. This is between me and Carly."

"Patrick, you can't let her shoot me!"

"Walk away Patrick. She has to pay for what she's done to my Robin."

Patrick slowly stepped in front of Carly. "You can't do this Anna."

"Get out of the way Patrick," Anna warned.

"It won't bring Robin back Anna. You know that."

"Walk away and forget you were ever here." The gun in Anna's hand began to shake ever so slightly.

"Robin wouldn't want this Anna," Patrick said as he began to inch towards her with his hand outstretched. "Give me the gun."

"Patrick, I'm warning you...walk away and let me do what I have to do."

"I can't let you do this Anna," Patrick said as he lunged for the gun. Carly scrambled to retrieve the phone she had tossed aside and Robin could only watch in horror as Patrick fought Anna for control of the gun. Suddenly the sound of a gunshot rang through the air. Robin felt all the air leave her lungs in a rush as Patrick and Anna stared at each other, pain filling both their eyes. Slowly, Patrick began to slide to the ground, the blood spreading across his chest as his eyes became unfocused and then closed.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Robin screamed.


Patrick watched the chaos around him as if it were some horrible slow playing movie. The alarms were blaring, Epiphany and the other nurses ran by him with the code cart, Dr. Cooper was shouting orders, and Andy was forcing air into Robin's lungs while Leo compressed her chest. Her body, ravaged by the infection, had finally given out and Patrick could only helpless look on as his colleagues worked to bring her back to him. He closed his eyes and called out to her. Please don't leave me Robin. It's not time yet.


PS- I hope you all don't hate me.......

I promise that I have started working on the next chapter, which I hope will be done by Saturday..............

fanfiction, scrubs, robinscorpio, generalhospital, patrickdrake

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