A Bit of Rambling

May 24, 2015 17:58

I consider myself fairly bright. And although I'm too old to be "hip" (so old I don't think that's the current word for it) I try to keep up with what's going on the world. (OMG - I sound like my grandmother - whom I loved so I guess that's not the worst thing in the world.)

But lately, when I've been on Tumblr, and sometimes here on LJ, and often on Facebook, someone will post something and I'll have no idea what the hell is going on. I'll look at the post and it will have comments that say "LOL I laughed for 20 minutes" and I'll think "What? What does this mean?"

Do you ever feel like you got off the train at the wrong station or that you've walked into the movie half way through and can't catch up? That's how I feel some days. Or is it just me? Maybe the world has moved past me, which I suppose is okay. But.... well, it's probably just me.

random is as random does, the real world is only good for visiting

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