A Real Life Update of Sorts

Jun 17, 2013 00:02

I realized I hadn't posted in quite some time so in case anyone is interested (admittedly doubtful) I thought I'd fill you in on some of the plot elements of my life.

My sister and I have created our pet sitting business. Thanks to everyone who sent the pictures of pets. (And yes haldoor if you are reading this and still willing, I'd love your small animal pictures.) I'd provide a link to our business website but it has our real-world info on it. That makes me a little bit leery of putting out there. If you are curious, email me and I'll provide you the link!

I'm not taking summer classes so now I have way too much time on my hands. That means I can't get anything done. I'm not even writing. When time is not of the essence, I can't seem to do anything productive. Counter-intuitive, clearly. But I think hobbies like writing and making stained glass are stress release. When you are not working or attending classes at the moment, it isn't as imperative to do those things. Does that make sense?

I've started roller skating a local rink. I love it! I have roller skated practically since I could walk. So I ordered a new pair of quad skates and have had my love of skating rekindled. I have a pair of rollerblades somewhere but I haven't found them yet. I'm going to take those to the rink as soon as I locate them.

Skating at the rink is an interesting experience, musically speaking. There are some adults who skate although mostly it's teens and younger. I don't recognize any of the songs they play, except that they play the same ones every week so I've gotten used to them. "Moves Like Jagger" and "Gugum Style" are very popular. (Is gugum right? I have no idea. Yep, I'm cutting edge of hip.)

My sister and I have seen Iron Man 3 several times. It's just such fun and I love Pepper especially. The whole movie is a good, good time.

I haven't seen Star Trek a second time yet but I plan to go to an afternoon matinee soon. I know I'll like it better on a second viewing.

We are having a minor dog crisis in the house. As I think you know, we have 6 dogs. Three of them - Pudge, Hannah, and Zumi - came first and are mellow and all whatever. Pudge is the oldest and the alpha dogs. She doesn't exert control over the other dogs but they do not mess with her. At all.

The second sub-pack, if you will, consists of Kashmir (the Newfoundland), Layla, and YoQuera - both of indeterminate origins. Lately, YoQuera has started going after Zumi. Zumi is extremely passive and never aggressive. YoQuera is rarely agressive, except when it comes to Zumi. YoQuera has attacked her three times. The first time was late at night and happened in the front yard where there is no light. We couldn't get them to stop fighting. Once YoQuera starts it, Kashmir and Layla get into it too. Hannah barks at them stop and Pudge gets the hell out.

We have no idea why YoQuera has decided to attack Zumi. YoQuera is the physically smallest of the dogs and shows NO aggressive tendencies toward anyone but Zumi. Zumi doesn't provoke it. Zumi isn't Alpha dog. We are a loss.

Have y'all ever experienced this? They have all lived happily together for the past 3 years. It started last week. It makes NO sense.There have been no real changes in the house to cause it. And it's bumming us out in a huge way.

In other news, I finally was able to register for fall semester classes. Yes, the college I attend is so backward that the fall schedule wasn't released until June 12!!! Can you believe it? I am taking 3 simulation and gaming classes. I still need to take mechanical physics but decided not to take it this semester. I wanted to leave enough free hours in my schedule to work in the tutoring center. Certain money. Not taking physics means I'll have to attend school next fall too but that's not the worst thing to happen. I have to take technical electives that are never offered so maybe the extra semester will give me the chance to take them all.

Fandom related, I'm disappointed in the splintering of the H50 fandom. We used to have such fun. Then a handful of fans decided it was all about them, effectively destroying the fun for the rest of us. Do you think we could take back the fandom? Make it the happy, aloha, fun loving place it once was? Can enough of us work to pump life into it? A community can be a community - 1_million_words proves a community can exist with Drama.

Also fandom related - I'm very excited about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. this fall. Phil Coulson lives!! There may be a few other shows I'll start watching as well. We'll see, I guess.

I think that's everything right now. A head's up though - if you see my muses, I'd really appreciate if you'd send them home. I miss them!!!

So how are you??? I miss you, my friends.

friends are the icing!, it's all about me, going back to school

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