I am back among the unemployed. My temporary job was done Friday. It was nice to be a wage-earner but the anxiety of the place was off the charts. So all told, it's best I'm no longer there.
I am taking 3 classes this semester in my major - Simulation and Game Design. One is on-line, which I hate. But it's "Intro to SGD" which means so far we've read the chapters assigned and taken the quizzes. Not overload by any means. The other two are programming classes, the first of which is fine. It is using Flash to make games. The second is using C# to make games. C# is computer language and we are trying to learn it. Hopefully it will stop being in ancient Greek very soon! (No math classes this semester which is an infinite relief to me!)
I have finally started my Big Big Bang for
five0bang which has to be 40,000 words. I considered dropping out several times but there are only 4 of us doing it and I don't want to make it three. I'm sure it will be fine. Here is my progress meter:
4964 / 40000
Impressive, huh? Yeah, I thought so too.
I'd really like it to be September 23 already. Not that I want to wish my life away but I need some Steve and Danny in my life - right now. Coincidentally, it's the day before The Avengers is released on DVD. So double-yay.
While I'm fan-girling, can I state my emphatic displeasure that there has been NO Star Trek X news!?! No sneak peeks, no buzz, no rumors. I went to see a movie over the long weekend and there were plenty of previews for other movies coming out next summer. But NOT Star Trek. Why does JJ Abrahms think he has to keep it double-top secret? It doesn't build anticipation. It just annoys the hell out of us. Or me. Maybe not you. But, seriously. Seeing Chris Pine in his Captain Kirk uniform would not spoil the movie going experience for me, I promise!!!
And so ends the editorial portion of this post. Otherwise, my life continues to be incredibly boring. And mostly I'm okay with that.