FIC: Thou Wilt Quake For This (8/9)

Oct 25, 2014 14:17

Title: Thou Wilt Quake For This
Genre: Much Ado About Nothing
Rating: T (except for the DVD extra)
Author: tkel_paris
Summary: Benedick and Beatrice have found themselves forced to marry. While their family and friends are determined to make them fall in love, a chance emerges to expose the villains who trapped them. Can they succeed and protect Hero?
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rating = t, shakespeare, maan, fanfic, prompts, challenge, sykira, tardis-mole, fic!presents

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sykira October 26 2014, 00:17:50 UTC
If you have more you can post tonight I am willing to trade…what would work best to persuade you???? Cause I NEEED more!!!! NEEEEEEEED!!!! *grabbby hands*

I loved sooooo much of this, and am still holding out hope that as there was a wardrobe change in the staged version, somehow Benedick will see to it that Bea gets to wear her mother's dress because my heart broke for her *sniffle* I think also cause I over identified a bit, having my own wedding in off-white then a later public ceremony in actual white, just cause things happened that way, cause life is messy like that.

My favorite part though was all the support your Bea receives from everyone around her, as a 'forced' woman. Especially her aunt's beautiful speech:

"Innogen knelt before her. “There are not enough words in any language to speak of the pride and joy I have in thee: thy mother was my friend and I took upon the mantle of raising thee even before I had caught thy uncle's eye and became thy aunt; thou are not merely my niece but a daughter in my heart, and I pray that thy marriage shall make thee happy. And know that though he doth not express it well thy uncle holds thee dear in his heart: you are so like your mother in look that he hath granted thee more liberties than you can possibly know. As much as you devil him he shall miss you, Beatrice, and he wishes he could have done more to protect thee.”

*happy sighs*


tkel_paris October 26 2014, 02:09:08 UTC
*sighs* A comment on Chapter 6, which NO ONE has commented on yet? Yes, I'll post more anyway. But I wanna see more comments before you get the DVD extra, love. ;)

If the Prince's word couldn't halt the shame, I fear Benedick couldn't alter that either. :( But... wait. Just wait... It'll be worth it.

Innogen endeared herself to me after tossing the champagne in Claudio's face and using those lines of Antonio's to such effect. I think it was a greater insult coming from a woman than an old man.

*off to post Chapter Nine*


sykira October 26 2014, 02:15:53 UTC
Oops did I not comment on a chapter??? *shame faced* will fix that of course, just reading too eagerly! (autocorrect wanted to correct my misspelling of eagerly to "bargirl" ahem, which might not be too inaccurate, lol, not that I've been over the door, just me and the lemonade!)

I was gonna bribe you with my own utterly jossed DVD extra if ya wanted, even though it fits not remotely with your story, nor is complete, and is more emo than smutty in true hopeless Sykira fashion, but comments, comments are easier! *runs off to find ch 6*


tkel_paris October 26 2014, 02:36:55 UTC
Excitement over a fanfic is not unknown to me. I've nearly missed commenting on a few of yours because of that. :) ("Bargirl"?! Spellcheck does weird things sometimes. Although nothing is weirder than the autofill on my smartphone.)

*perks* MAAN fic? From sykira? *gives Puss in Boots eyes* Oh, wait. You said it's unfinished? Would you like help finishing it...?


sykira October 26 2014, 03:03:22 UTC
it's very unfinished, in fact I'd wager it ends where your DVD extra starts!

Gosh I would be honored to cowrite with you but I fear I would drive you utterly NUTS with it because mine serves zero plot purpose whatsoever. It's basically nervous!Bea, first with attendants, then they leave her alone with an eager beaver Benedick, who is of course inhumanly sensitive and sweet and figures out that when Bea starts fretting about worrying about Hero being ok on HER wedding night with Claudio (given that Claudio is something of a prick in the play) that it's partly sisterly concern on Bea's part and partly Bea projecting, so he does a couple of things to allay her fears and they end up creeping down to check on Hero and Claudio, and of course those two giggly teenagers are having a totally fun time so that means no more worries on that count, freeing Bea to enjoy Benedick, and leaving her no more excuses, kinda baring her emotionally before him (back in their chambers) to own her own feelings.

So see…it's all Feelings…when all readers would want by now is like Get to the Sex Already!


tkel_paris October 26 2014, 03:23:13 UTC
*giggles* Well... :)

Hey, it's not unrealistic that Bea would get that concerned about Hero, especially in light of the past few days. And I don't doubt that Ben would comfort her. So... his task would be to comfort her and make her feel safe with him.

So I don't think your focus on feelings approach is any less worthy than getting right to it. If anything you might be braver. Going right to the sex is often a cop-out.

All I ask is to one day see the story. Hopefully posted on your LJ page. *hugs*


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