Title: Thou Wilt Quake For This
Genre: Much Ado About Nothing
Rating: T (except for the DVD extra)
tkel_parisSummary: Benedick and Beatrice have found themselves forced to marry. While their family and friends are determined to make them fall in love, a chance emerges to expose the villains who trapped them. Can they succeed and protect Hero?
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It amazes me that they did a hen night. I mean, we are talking a slightly different era for the setting, but still. And Beatrice drinking was another brave choice: it had the potential to go very wrong for her, but she's too tough to let things happen easily. Still... I'm sure Benedick would've rather been at her side.
Which was why I'm sure you loved his presence in "Glance of Love" before she could have TOO much to drink. :)
It helps that it's writing aimed at people who've seen the performance. Sadly I didn't have the benefit of rewatching the play. I have to do some meddling to try to be able to do it again. Digital Theatre suggested uninstalling and reinstalling. Grr...
Anyway... Chapter Nine is up!
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