Title: The Belted Doctor, Chapter 15
tkel_paris , aka KendraC
Rating: High T, borderline M for (very) naughty humor, and some hints... Consider yourself warned.
Summary: A crack!fic inspired by a line from “Robin Hood: Men in Tights” and run for its life with. The Doctor is left with a very uncomfortable “protection” against unwanted advances. But will
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Comments 4
And of course Jenny would hate Rose. She'd be a threat to her parents' happy ending!
They need to make sure they never let Jenny get away with this behavior again.
The Doctor did nothing wrong with regards to Sylvia, unlike with Jackie. It was Sylvia who decided to go ahead with the reception, even though Donna disappeared in a way she clearly couldn't have done on her own. It's Sylvia who should apologize to Donna.
Jenny meet Rose? Yes please! Does she get to slug her?
They won't. She's just proved she's still a kid.
True. We're dealing with someone who really needed some lessons in handling emotions and interpersonal relationships. And I mean the Doctor. Sylvia knows more, being human.
I'd say see next chapter, but you've already done so. :)
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