Title: Donna's Top 10 Lessons for Getting and Keeping a Mate
Rating: T
tkel_parisSummary: The school of hard knocks has given Donna invaluable advice to give to anyone - though ladies and girls especially should take careful notes.
Disclaimer: No one that awesome should have had to settle for anything. Therefore, I own nothing.
Dedication: tardis-mole. I
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Comments 13
So, so, so TRUE - absolutely critical to the success of any lasting loving relationship. Which is why the Doctor and Donna were destined for each other, forever.
Except that RTD never got the memo....
Plus, they really, really DO complement each other - true partners in every way.
Number 10 was my big lesson taught to me by Doctor Who and David Tennant. I did not find that skinny man attractive at first. Maybe a bit cute, but nothing more. Who knew? :)
And it was really funny. I can so see Donna giving this little lecture, complete with playful digs at her husband, and the ever-so-subtle (snicker) criticisms od dear little Rosie! Always a favorite of mine!
And you have me intrigued. Why exactly does he wear the ultra-skinny suits??!!?? Tell me more! :D
Why am I not surprised that you liked that one? ;D
I'm leaving that one to fan imagination. Basically she discovered he's more muscled than he seems, and he's bloody gorgeous under those suits. ;D But she wasn't going to share what's HERS to know about.
Poor Rosie (I've taken to calling her that on a regular basis now-not sure why). She inspires such strong emotions in me, especially after reading other stories and then re-watchign season 2. RTD sure had his head in an odd place with that one!
Well, duh. We all know that !! I suppose his 'namesake' would give a bit of a clue, eh?
I really loved this. You don't write enough, girl!! :D
I laughed so hard with this and at the same time went "awn".
also... can't believe you mentioned my birthday on the notes... you are so wonderful and... *hugs so she won't cry*
ok, now I'm going to read the Doctor's list.
The little teases of the Doctor and the pokes at Rose were just perfect.
You're welcome! :D
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