A Meme in Your Ear

Nov 16, 2011 16:21

Comment to this post, and I will list five things I associate with you. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back to me). Other people (including me) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

Blame bas_math_girl for this one. :D

1. Belt
Ah... Yes... The prod of mine... I quoted some Mel Brooks movie lines to BMG, and one of them was the ever funny "It's an Everlast" from "Robin Hood: Men in Tights." And damned if my muse didn't latch onto the mental image of the Tenth Doctor in a chastity belt! And BMG, being the minx that she is, decided to dare me to write it. Hence, "The Belted Doctor" was born.

I do use belts in real life. Have to; I have a small waist, and I haven't had the chance to take my jeans and pants (Brits and Aussies, you call them trousers) in for alteration yet. Sometimes having an hourglass figure is a royal pain in the neck...

2. Spaceballs
Only my favorite comedy of all time! Hitting all the Sci-Fi movie notes up to that point, and poking fun at them! :D And how could you not LOVE John Candy's role?! And Joan Rivers' delivery of the Virgin Alarm line! (I can't believe someone like BMG hasn't used that as a prompt yet! *snickerfit*)

Had a fun surprise with that movie once. I was watching the credits once, out of boredom since I don't think I wanted to get up yet, and noticed a familiar name: Tim Russ. Some of you might know the name from "Star Trek: Voyager" as Tuvok. Well, I didn't remember him being in it, so I was wracking my brain to figure out what scene he could've been in and had a speaking part. And then I found it... and cracked up! He was the Afro Comb soldier! Put it this way: when you're used to seeing an actor in a role that requires them to be deadpan all the time (with rare exceptions), hearing them in a role where they curse is a shock!

3. Daughter
The only family role I have left... other than niece and cousin... My grandparents are all gone, and I have no siblings. :(

I'm lucky to have the people I have calling me their daughter. My mom and dad... and now my On-Line Mummy, BMG! *hugs* I would not be who I am today (as a person or a DW fanfic writer, respectively) without the influence of these people. :D

4. Anti-Rose
*snickers* Okay, this is kinda weird... I used to be kinda iffy about her. More like, I just didn't care. Then Donna came along, and I really didn't think about Rose. After JE, I was so wanting fix-its and to deny the Series 4 end (and everything after it) happened. And then, as I started reading D/D fanfics, I got to thinking about Rose's behavior and saw less and less to be impressed with. I don't suffer fools gladly. It's made for problems in RL, and the more I look at Rose as shown in canon, the more I'm convinced her creation was a mistake.

That said, tardis_mole has managed to remind me that a few good changes would've made Rose into a likable character. Still, TM agrees with me that Donna is SO much better for the Doctor - especially for Ten! Rose was okay for Nine, but their dynamic was a LOT different.... Still, I have a lot of frustrations with how Rose and her specter made things awful for all the companions after her, and how a lot of fans don't get that there's a WHOLE SLEW of Doctor Who history that came before the Ninth Doctor... *shakes head*

5. Writing
My sanity saver... I let it slide during my undergrad years. Big mistake. I think it could've stopped me from going down a dark mental spiral, or at least helped me stop myself a lot sooner...

I started with writing to pen-pals. Starting with fellow homeschoolers. That was an interesting experience, but I'm sad to say that I've lost contact with all of them. :( It was also supposed to improve my penmenship. Not sure how well that worked. *sheepish grin*

Got into fanfiction a bit when I was fourteen, but before that, I actually co-wrote and submitted a teleplay to "Star Trek: Voyager." If I'm ever feeling bold, I'll ask my co-author for permission to post it here... and you can see just how far I've come as a writer. I still haven't posted any of my Voyager fics that I started writing in earnest about two years later. It took me a while to really feel okay writing, as I couldn't - at the time - find anyone else writing Janeway/Paris fics. Once I did... Well, the Muse soon had ideas... Sometimes I look back on those fics with a bit of embarrassment, but I guess I wouldn't be here if I hadn't written them...

Jane Austen followed that pretty soon after. I wanted to see the character Fanny Price get a better lot in life than she had for the majority of "Mansfield Park", and that novel isn't a popular one... It was interesting to get into the feel of writing in that style at times. :) I have a few WIPS from there. One is going to be 12 years old this April. I'd push to finish it, but I've since discovered that things I thought were solely fanfiction COULD be publishable... So... My first novels are likely to be JA-inspired.

With "Law & Order: Criminal Intent," I not only got to play with psychology, I found my original "best friends in denail" OTP: Goren and Eames. They work well together as partners, and sometimes you just had to wonder how each felt about the other... :D Oh, yeah, and some episodes just BEGGED to be re-written! Although I spent several months thinking about CI fics before I dared write one. I felt the characters DEMANDED respect in written form.

Because I read CI fics, I was well-aware of FF.N, and also read fics for Bones and StarGate: Atlantis (I ship Sheppard/Weir). So one day I just decided to look for fics about the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble... and found gems. And later, I stumbled onto BMG's stories, and eventually started exchanging PMs... Which led to giving her a chance to vent sometimes about... one certain character... and then to my giving her prompt lines. And that leads us right back to the top word... :D

personal, goren, doctor/donna, star trek: voyager, doctor who, bas_math_girl, meme in your ear, prompts, eames, law & order: ci, writing

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