Title: Time Trials
Series: Altered History
Genre: Doctor Who
Rating: T/M (dark Doctor, character death, extreme danger)
Summary: Eight does not want to answer a mysterious - and diverted - call to come to The Library, but Donna won't let him shirk his duty. Yet the dangers there echo ones from the past, and the Doctor has never been so close to
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When a Time Lord shouted, it could cause glass to vibrate enough to shatter and even rattle items out of place. The Doctor's shout actually made River step back.
“How dare you give that association between us,” the Doctor snapped, his voice lowering from a shout to a loud speaking voice. “A creature who fits everything bad about my people? Who deceives at an instant's notice? Who is masking her true nature from my scanners? Who makes the smuggest Time Lord I've ever met look humble? Who doesn't respect the rules about spoilers enough to not attempt to compare notes? Who treated a women she claimed is the most important in the universe dismissively? I would never marry someone like River Smug. And if I were to marry a Human, the last one I could consider, the one who meant the most to me, just died because this creature summoned us here!”
Well at least Mr. Lux was useful enough to unknowingly point out the subtext of River’s actions…it was interesting learning about Time Lord’s shouting breaking glass etc…I’m now wondering about how loud Donna might get if the metacrisis transforms her…I mean she was already loud as a human so I’d bet that she’d definitely be loud as a Time Lady…
“I know what you say your name is, but I've heard stories about you and hallucinagenic lipstick. Not that I knew it was you at the time. I say it's even odds whether your proper last name is Smug or Snog. If I had been going to choose a Human as a wife, Donna would've been her. Because she would never tell me something that would leave me no choice but to marry her later on. That alone is enough reason to not trust you. You just attempted to entrap me into marriage, and the Time Lords are the only people who might take a dimmer view of it than I do.”
Very glad that the Doctor has acknowledged that he’d marry Donna…she’d be perfect for him even if she is human…maybe Ohila can extend her lifespan at least until the metacrisis could possibly be used to transform her into a Time Lady…it would probably be good for at least those who have a Gallifreyian mate and children to have a longer lifespan so that they can see their children grow older and help raise them to NOT be “proper” Time Lords…like Leela getting a longer lifespan as well…
…or if the Doctor or any other possible Time Lord explorers might meet good quality companions they should be considered as a possible mate to a Gallifreyian or something…heck in the Foreseen Wife I had been thinking that if any of Donna’s close and trustworthy female friends were single while they were in Donna’s bridal party that some Time Lord might fall in love at first sight with them…which would bring more genetics and more emotional intelligence to the planet…
…so in this storyline if Donna actually has a couple of good friends that were single (I keep thinking of Alice since she also has the sight) then maybe there should be some multi world (dating) thing…where actually good quality people (not just pretty or snobby) are brought to intern or something on Gallifrey and if they and a Gallifreyian happen to fall in love…well there’s one more baby making couple to help save the species!
I wonder if the Doctor is going to warn the Time Lords about River trying to entrap him…according to the younger girl the High Council never got ahold of River, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t know about her or how dangerous she could be…
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