Title: Time Trials
Series: Altered History
Genre: Doctor Who
Rating: T/M (dark Doctor, character death, extreme danger)
Summary: Eight does not want to answer a mysterious - and diverted - call to come to The Library, but Donna won't let him shirk his duty. Yet the dangers there echo ones from the past, and the Doctor has never been so close to
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He started, face pinched. “Oh, I'm 'Big Dipper'?”
“Yes,” Donna said instantly, blushing deeply a second later. “Ooo, that came out a bit quick.”
His mood softened slightly, moving closer to find answers. “What does that name mean and why does it make you blush?”
Donna thought about her options, and found nothing to say that wasn't somehow incriminating. As in admitting she had ever looked in that direction of his body. Or that she had ogled his bum - in front of her fiancé no less! - when he went up that ladder the day they met. But his innocence surprised her. Even if she couldn't meet his eyes. “You don't know?”
If things weren't so dire, Donna might have hesitated more over answering. Especially since she was wondering what River meant by 'big', and worried about how she knew given the Doctor's suspicions about the woman.
As it was, her answer rushed out of her mouth in a whisper. “It's a reference to the size and length of a man's... appendage.”
Eight's eyes went bigger than Four's ever did, for a split second. He was still mostly ignorant of innuendos but when he did notice them aimed at him he was never happy. And given who said it, he was absolutely furious. Yet he held it in. “Don't let your shadows cross,” he called out to everyone. “I mean it, don't even let them touch. Any of them could be infected.”
*snickers* I love that the Doctor somewhat calmed down when he saw that Donna actually seemed to agree with the nickname describing him well…not to mention the blushing that she was doing…he only got furious about the nickname when he realized that the creepy stalker called him that particular nickname in public…I think when he’s actually digested what happened here he might consciously realize what Donna agreeing with the nickname means…including that she’s subtly looked at him…
If things weren't so dire, Donna might have hesitated more over answering. Especially since she was wondering what River meant by 'big', and worried about how she knew given the Doctor's suspicions about the woman.
This actually might be a good thing for the Doctor to be concerned about…I mean as far as he knows he hasn’t actually met River in this incarnation, but she’s referring to him like that and calling him “Big”?
This is seemingly a different incarnation than what she was possibly involved with in the first timeline so she really shouldn’t know if this version is actually “Big”…unless she did something that he doesn’t remember or unless she somehow has access to pictures of him that she ogled…I’m doubting that the TARDIS would have provided pictures of his previous incarnations to River like she did to her Heartfire…actually, I wonder if the TARDIS names all of her Thief’s companions or the ones that she sees as particularly important to the Doctor…or if she only nicknames her Thief and his actual family (including his future wife)…
River, like many in this ficverse, is still caught between this and the old time-line. Any being associated with time or foresight would KNOW that things have changed drastically.
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