Title: Time Trials
Series: Altered History
Genre: Doctor Who
Rating: T/M (dark Doctor, character death, extreme danger)
Summary: Eight does not want to answer a mysterious - and diverted - call to come to The Library, but Donna won't let him shirk his duty. Yet the dangers there echo ones from the past, and the Doctor has never been so close to
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“I lied, I'm always lying. Bound to be others,” she said with a smirk.
“If that is the truth, then even that statement is a lie,” Donna said, drawing a startled look from the woman. “How can we trust someone who says that? How can we know what's a lie and what isn't? You're not putting yourself forward well, are you?”
Love that Donna got one over on River so fast that River was actually startled…River might think that she’s all that but the person that she’s trying to ingratiate herself with probably rates her on a worse level than a Dalek…at least with a Dalek they are honest on their objectives…River not even close…
Plus, I also see Donna getting one over on River as her subtly asserting her own dominance in this situation…
The blonde's amusement radiated like a sun. “Got a problem with archaeologists?”
“I'm a time traveller,” he answered tightly, barely giving her a passing look. “I point and laugh at archaeologists. You're always getting things wrong and destroying far more than you 'save'. The chief identifying feature of archaeology is that you destroy a site to reveal a ruin. Not even modern scanners in this century are enough; too many of you still want to dig the site out, regardless of the cost to the site by yourselves or visitors. Pompeii was turned into a tourist attraction before the research was even halfway done. Uluru, for another example, is a native temple and non-natives were walking all over it and left rut marks across the top before the Native Council said that was enough and got legal backing to keep people out. The Druids needed to do the same for Stonehenge. And the only thing that annoys be more than archaeologists are historians who fabricate and/or misinterpret the evidence to suit their own ends.”
Donna watched him, eyes wide and a tiny awed smile on her face.
And here’s the Doctor asserting his own dominance in the situation and putting Professor Smug in her place…and impressing his love interest at the same time…that’s impressive…I wonder if he was somewhat influenced by how Donna put those Time Lords in their place…hopefully he’ll pick up on how to be more assertive with the Time Lords by learning from Donna…hopefully she’ll help him get his confidence back when he has to deal with Gallifrey…
Possibly influenced by Donna. And here he's on edge because he's figured out she's been following him.
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