Title: Time Trials
Series: Altered History
Genre: Doctor Who
Rating: T/M (dark Doctor, character death, extreme danger)
Summary: Eight does not want to answer a mysterious - and diverted - call to come to The Library, but Donna won't let him shirk his duty. Yet the dangers there echo ones from the past, and the Doctor has never been so close to
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Comments 4
“Not all of Gallifrey supported the peace created by my actions, Donna. You noticed that, surely.”
I'm intrigued by this. When did Donna go there? It would seem that I missed a bit... *goes to check*
The appearance of River really got up his nose, didn't it! Deliciously so.
Remember, she visited Gallifrey at the end of the Pompeii adventure? I glossed over the whole discussion of whether to accept the peace with Karn bit, and the efforts to heal both worlds. I figure the nature of the peace was what got on the wicks of certain Time Warts. ;)
Oh, yes. Pretty sure Moley LOVED that bit. :D
I’m betting that the Doctor will be worried that the only reason that her loser boyfriends didn’t hurt her was because of her door breaking and self defense skills…I’m betting that he’s really going to want the names of these boyfriends
I wonder where Donna was when Eight told Romana about the VN encounter…was she safely in the TARDIS or talking with Leela and Andred more or were all 3 safely in the TARDIS while Romana was being briefed?
I guess Eight really thinks that River literally stinks…
Ah, yes. Perhaps that'll happen. Even as a friend.
It would've been while they were still on Gallifrey two stories ago. I suspect Leela drew Donna aside while the Doctor had to quietly speak with Romana.
The more I read about how River came to be, the more shocked I am that any of the Doctors could stand her. TBH.
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