Title: Blind Date
Genre: Doctor Who
Rating: T
tkel_paris Summary: Caving to the pressure of his parents to find a wife, the Doctor goes on Jack Harkness' dating show. Four women have been selected, and he has to choose one to go out with for a month. Can his sanity - what there is of it - survive long enough to make the best choice?
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And he needed that slapdown from Donna about the excessive amount of time in the bedroom - he did, even if he was uncomfortable discussing it, sound like he was bragging about it. :P
Loved that Martha got the respect she earned that she didn't get in canon. And yay, she gets to come back next time and be the selector! Maybe, just maybe, Mickey will be one of her choices, cos he deserves better than Rose. But you're not going to go there, more the pity. Ah well, we can guess and stuff :D
Oh dear, overenthusiastic puppy Doctor has come out to play cos not only did Donna give him the answers he needed, but she's ginger too! But Donna will straighten him out, I've no doubt *L*
...except now we have to have that dreaded meet the parents thing. On both sides. Poor Doctor. Poor Donna.
True. He probably didn't think it was bragging until she snapped at him. :D
Read the final part! It's up! :D
Hope you enjoy the final part, birthday lady! *hugs*
Isn't that just a bloke for you though? Alien or human? :D
That's where I'm going next - ran out of time yesterday :(
And I've loved the rest, why wouldn't I love the last part? =D
Yep. And only someone with Donna's maturity wouldn't make him feel bad for that.
Not surprised. Glad you managed SOME time to review.
I was pretty sure, but it's always good to get that review. :D
Well, if Martha had been given a chance to get over her crush without having to walk the Earth to save the day the long way around, maaaayyyybe she could. Maybe. But with the canon we have, Donna was definitely the most mature, and therefore the most capable of being a real partner for the Doctor. Speaking of maturity and acquisition thereof, I should have another chapter of that new fic ready for you to look at either Sat or Sun. :D
I just wish I could manage more time at the library. But that would mean not working, no matter how short term the jobs are. Just call me Donna's understudy for the Supertemp job description :P
*offers your plot bunny carrots*
Amen. Oh? Cool. :D
I know. I'm probably working more than I did last term in total.
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