League of Legends

Feb 17, 2011 13:55

These days, works been rough. Working for Princeton Review to teach Organic Chemistry and working in Lab at Cornell and teaching piano! Although the money is good, I might consider dropping one of these at one point, but they are all something I want to do so time's been really rough on the offhours. During these offhours though, I've picked up League of Legends which is nice because it has a small RPG aspect without the dedication needed to play. I can simply log on and play for 1-2 hours and call it a night, something that is really hard to do in FFXI.

League of Legends (LoL---Funny name eh?) is basically WarcraftIII.... Without the worry about micromanagement of building units. Remember having those Heros in Warcraft III where they would level up and fight with your smaller units? Same concept, except your smaller units automatically spawn and start attacking the other base. Each team has their own set of minions spawning and will kill the opposing side of minions leading to absolute equality normally, except you play the hero which disrupts this balance. Heros usually have 2 Summoner Spells that you can pick and then 4 abilities that are inherent to the job. One of those abilities is the "Ultimate". (Like FFXI's 2-Hour) that has a long cooldown (about 2-3 minutes depending on the job). There are more than 20 jobs to play and to gain access to these characters, they are bought with "Influence Points-IP" which you gain by winning/losing games (you get more when you win). Each week, they rotate new heros. You can also buy characters with Riot Points (RP) which are bought with RL money.

Overall, this is the RPG version of farmville. Which is kinda cool, because the game balance has nothing to do with how much you spend on the game (Like Magic the Gathering). You don't need to buy anything with RL money to be good at the game, because the only thing that you can buy are things that make your character look cooler (Like skins). Again, you can buy more characters to play, but typically you stick with 1-2... and you can buy them just by winning/losing games. The game is free to play as well.

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