Apr 01, 2005 22:36
Today went pretty well. Actually this whole week has gone by pretty well. Today is April Fools Day, which made school a hell of a lot more interesting. We pranked almost every teacher, excluding gym teachers because they, afterall, aren't teachers. Just got home from Danielles. She needs a nap, she was cranky or something. Pa-ch i was having fun foo, i don't get bored that easily. I think you are the only one who finds your house boring, just like I am the only one who finds my house boring. Well maybe except caj, but thats because he finds everything boring. O man did i realize something like 15 minutes ago. I shaved yesterday morning, and right now i look like a mexican. WTF!?! 1 day? i mean come on puberty, at least give me 3 days before having to reshave. This is bull shit!! Not really i dont really care minus the fact that it now only takes me one day to completely look like white trash. My hair is long, really really long. I dont mind though, excpet it gets in my ears. I'm going to grow it loong, like andy long. Well maybe not cuz that would be nasty. imagine...long hair like andy's, greasing and such, and me not shaving for a day. THAT would completely look trashy. hahaha. thats a funny image. Reminds me of a hick or something. I want ice cream really bad. cookie dough ice cream. But i also want abs, lol. I wonder which would happen first...I'll stick with ice cream. ::sighs:: i am super duper tired, later----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------aDAm