No subject line can express my pain.

Feb 01, 2006 09:29

I did it. It's over.

Lemme back up a bit. I leave class on Monday at 4, get my crap ready for rehearsal and the trip to Lemoore, and bus it down to the theater. I walk from the theater to Sean's car, where we immediately take off for Lemoore and arrive around 1 in the morning. The next day, wakeup call's at 6 AM for a battery of tests. We start the process at 7 AM, leave around 3:20 PM (me skipping work and a Physics lab, btw) and we still haven't had all the work done because dental and bloodwork were both retarded.

Enter the next piece of fun, where we drive back to Davis and arrive *literally* with enough time for me to walk in the theater doors and start rehearsal. I finish around 10 PM and get to the apartment about 10:30, where I start that ritual of rituals:

I read an entire novel from China in one night. Yes it was in English, Eh it was okay, No it was not in Chinese. I literally finish at 7:10 AM with enough time to shower and eat so's I can go to school.

Which brings me to now. Anybody with tips on how to make the day after the all-nighter work, please God let me know.

Bottom line it...I haven't slept in my bed since Sunday. Not good. "Pa Bueno."
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