It's that time again.

Jan 17, 2006 22:08

UCD Bike Etiquette

This is my own compilation of rules that, while heretofore undocumented, are courtesies that anyone can (and already should) abide.

1. Ride in a straight goddam line and avoid swerving for no reason.

If whatever you are doing impedes you from riding in a straight line--whether it's your iPod, cell phone, or trying to do a combination of these with one or no hands, STOP. Hang up, turn it off, put both hands on the handlebars, whatever. I've been run off the road twice already this quarter by someone who "pushed" me into the yellow bumps because they swerved for no reason at all.

2. Do not ride three bikes wide down the road between Russel and Sycamore and central campus.

No one can pass you, and if you're concerned with riding next to someone and chatting with them, chances are you're riding so slowly that pretty much every other person on the road wants to pass you.

3. For drivers of cars and bikes: bikes are vehicles; give them the right of way as such.

In roundabouts, this means that bikes in the circle have the right of way. You do not charge into the circle from an intersecting street and expect people inside to work around you. You get out of their way.

In the city, this means that cars stop at stop signs and go as expected. If you brake at a stop sign, waiting for a left turn, and an oncoming car waits for you to go, that is wrong. Sack up, take the right of way, and pretend everyone knows how to be a good driver/biker.

That's all I can think of for now. For goodness sake, think while you're riding and make it easier on everyone.

note: feel free to comment your own rules.
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