Ok, apparently I'm bad at staying connected to the internet, so I'm going to give the short versions of several posts I've meant to make. So here it goes:
- Second weekend at Fairchild- went whitewater rafting in Montana. Very fun, especially when people fell or were pushed/pulled into the water. Lots of good memories. We came back to usafa a few days later.
- BCT is a lot more fun to watch than to go through. i didn't see any familiar faces while they were here on the hill, but I'll at least be paying Cory and Katie a visit when the school year starts.
- Tear Gas sucks, even at 5% concentration
- a gas mask is totally worth the annoyance of carrying it and the discomfort of wearing it. The rest of the US military chemical gear is just plain hot as hell
- Jump school started yesterday for me. It's long days of hard work and I truly hope that i never have to use about 90% of what I'm learning (just about everything that can go wrong on a jump).
- I should fall out of the airplane (jump is kind of a misnomer) for the first time tomorrow or Monday. Hopefully I won't kill myself.
Ok, that pretty much catches us up to where I am now. But now I have to go study so that I don't kill myself tomorrow.