Jul 15, 2005 17:56
Well, it's been a little while since I last posted on this thing. sorry, i haven't had any internet access for the last 2 weeks or so. So I'll try to recap the last 2 weeks here... although it may be a few entries before i get everything down.
First off, Ops AF was awesome. I went with a group of 14 other cadets to Faichild AFB in Washington for about 2 weeks. Luckily, I got with an great group of folks and we all bonded really well early in the trip. Doing stuff with them was definitely the best part of the trip, and made what would have normally been an average and possibly boring 2 weeks into a lot of fun (more info on our exploits later).
Anyway, the actual reason we got sent to Fairchild was to observe how the real AF works, especially the enlisted community. I got assigned to the Electric Shop of the CE Squadron, so I shadowed electricians the whole time. Most of the time I just watched, but every once in a while they let me get into the fixtures and wire or rewire some of the stuff, and they taught me to climb power line poles (that's a lot of fun- pretty much just one little spike on each foot to hold you up). I learned alot, plus the guys in the shop were a lot of fun to be around. They actually had a game of dodgeball in the office the last day I was there- pretty funny to watch some 30-40+ year old guys pounding each other with stress balls in the middle of an office (at least until I got nailed in the balls).
But, like i said, the real fun was on the offtime. But you're going to have to wait for those stories. For now, I need to find a way to get away from this place for the night.