Feb 02, 2011 08:30
Not a chance! Our friendships are fine! (I hope?) :P
I lay in bed awake, just kind of thinking to myself. Yeah, that usually isn't a good thing, but occasionally it gets me in the mood to write. I think this past FC had me realize a few things about those furs I know. Something that's been bothering me recently is how little we stay in touch. By we, I mean me and pretty much anyone I know. There are a few who are actually pretty good at keeping in touch, especially via messenger! Ah messenger, how I miss the days when I used to juggle 5 or more conversations at once. These days, I'm lucky to get 2 the entire day!
Does it sadden me? No, I don't think sad is the right word to describe this feeling. I suppose it just makes me reminisce about the old days. Heck, even furs don't use Live Journal as much as they used to! It seems that many have moved to Fur Affinity, for blogging at least. I know only a paw full who use Facebook. I don't touch Myspace. Oh yeah...Twitter! That's where all the furs I know have moved! I admit, I've been using it more often as well. Not so much for every day life, but just a random thought I have. It is really wonderful for conventions, I'll give it that! I was able to contact many friends via twitter during the con AND anytime I take a trip anywhere in California. People check Twitter more than anything else, including messengers and Live Journal!
It can be very overwhelming to read all those tweets, even if you do make lists for the ones you want to read!
I suppose what I wanted to say was, I miss talking to people, and I feel that when I DO talk with people, I have very little to say or cannot keep up any interesting topics. I'm even welcoming those idle chats these days. You know, those "How are you?" and "What's up?" or maybe a "How's the weather?" Taking what I can get in hopes it sparks up something! The trouble with that is, I do not want to discuss specific details about my life that a not-so-close friend will not understand even if I do tell them. I mean really, how many people here want me to tell them what my parents did today? :P
I have a theory. I may not get to 'chat' with people as much as I used to, and yes, I do miss it; but, I notice that if we ever get the chance to hang out, it's like old times! Good times and fun and chatting. Other people I'm close to don't seem to have trouble with the online thing, so I'm starting to think that maybe I'm one of those people who does better in person than online. What do ya think of that? Am I crazy? Maybe I'm making excuses to make myself feel better? I don't know, but that has really been a driving factor for me going out as often as possible to see Bay Area furs, So-Cal furs and even local furs (who seem to disappear unless the word 'meet' comes up). Because of how little we talk or hang out, maybe only one or two know that I'm going to be moving soon, possibly out of the area. Heck, I still have a couple asking if I'm back from Colorado! I update a little more often than that, don't I? Should I be bothered they don't wanna check LJ or miss a 'tweet'? Nah...just something more to talk about.
So Scruff E agrees that I seem to be one of those people who would rather 'get together' than chat online. The biggest issue for me with that is, I do not want to grab a hotel somewhere. I can afford to travel, but I'm mainly looking to stay with furs when I'm out in their area. I don't want to abuse that, so I try to change who I visit each time. Admittedly, it's difficult to know if they actually want me there or if they're just offering a place cuz I happen to be in the area. I know many people are busy much of the time, so I don't really hold any grudges. It's more of a visit of convenience for the both of us.
So yeah. I'm trying to find that balance of online communication via messenger, email, LJ, FA, twitter, etc and visiting people. It seems that most of my socializing comes from in person now instead of online, and I'm out driving a few hours in all directions to get that socializing! Not that I'm complaining, it's good times all around. :)
Being at Further Confusion opened my eyes to a lot of this, and Scruff pointed it out to me as well. More people were coming up to me this year than previous years. I always get scatter-brained at cons, but welcome anyone who comes up. :) Scruff tries to intro me to those who come up to him and I don't know, and vice versa! Socializing is easy when there's something to do, and when isn't there something to do at a con, right? Having a drink or two never hurts me there either, eh? I'm almost at that happy medium where in person, talking comes easier than online! The booze helps, but I almost don't need it. :) No, I'm not an alcoholic...
I do miss you guys, all of you. And I honestly wish I could be there to socialize with ya in person rather than rely on the internet. Maybe my move in a few months will make that easier. Dawg I hope so!