Sep 24, 2007 09:06
Computer Education in Programming
Thesis Study
Brandon Collins & Glenn Salvosa
Currently in today’s college society , students enrolled are not sufficiently being taught required knowledge in this fast advancing fields of Computer Engineering , Computer Sciences and Information Technology in order too keep up with the vastly growing technology encompassing around them. It is our cause too be able to show you and expand your knowledge on the needs of today's world in order to greatly increase the chances of those wishing to pursue this field. What students should be learning by today’s standards as the current trends of information and too inform our readers be they students, teachers, or college administrators what is currently not being taught too them but is needed in order to break into the field these students want.
Computer Education given its breakdown really comes into two forms. Those that create hardware , which is the memory power supply the motherboard and embedded hardware into such devices as refrigerators , security systems , fire alarms and so fourth. The second side is programming this is the field which we will be covering it the side of use of programs , creation of such, modeling , animation, games, art, data management , internet networking, e-mail, and much much more.
Computer programming has been around since the early 1900’s the first shown kind of computations are dots on paper read by device in order to press specific keys on old pianos. This was a simple and has grown into a field now where people can send a message in the blink of an eye to the other end of the planet or player kill someone in another country and laugh at them. At this moment high schools are intertwining computer technology into there curriculum yet Colleges are finding it harder to advance and keep up-to-date for their students to have knowledge in order get jobs.
Our research studies included a vast amount of different methods including other research articles delving into each programming language, E-books on specific languages and programs, interviews with experts both local and national and business men and women currently in the field, lectures about information technology for Philippines tech students , polls and surveys of trace colleges students enrolled in the computer field.
During Y4IT 2007 a major concern came up during the lecture of one of the Philippines officials. A statistic given by Mar Roxas Senator of the Philippines is that “The field of Information Technology and Computers is a growing field, we currently only have 15,000 experts in this field yet the current demand is rough 60,000 three times what is currently filled and still the field is growing.” Later in the Lecture students were asking that it is the Schools fault for not making them experts, and the rebuttal by the teachers and a few college administrators encompassed that “testing curriculum takes four years too be timed and tested” Yet if this truly the case in college then after the test batch of students and then the next four following batches. The technology of computers would have already advanced yet again. Is this satisfactory for students to pay money for outdated technology, which wont get them a job in the fields they want too?
Our sources for today’s market include that of Major Corporations worldwide as job descriptions off of a search engine for global job listings. a Game developers website which show current trends in the field of videogame companies and local companies such as AninoGames, and job listings on for Philippines based job market.