Aug 06, 2007 19:32
The World : Trading Card Game Tutorial and FAQ - Version 1.4
Directory [Barcode]
What Is The World : TCG? [1WI]
Game Explanation [2GE]
Card Description [2CD]
How To Play A Game [2PG]
Rematches [2RM]
Elemental Card Play [2EC]
Elemental Game Board [2EB]
Same Rule [2SR]
Plus Rule [2PR]
Combo Rule [2CR]
Rewards System [2RS]
Getting Started [3GS]
Personal Card Setup [3CS]
Getting Your Deck [3GD]
Starting To Duel & Rules [3SD]
Rules Of The World : TCG [3RO]
Purchasing Cards [3PC]
Trading Cards [3TC]
Upgrading [4UG]
Tournaments [5TO]
Updates To The World TCG [6UD]
Ending Notes [7EN]
Contacting [8CO]
Version Updates
Version 1.4
Added in Same, Plus, Combo, and Elemental Game Board Rules Section
Added in Rematches Section
Added in Updates To The World TCG Section
Added in new information from the IMPORATANT!!! NEW RULES!!! Topic
Fixed several small errors
Version 1.3
Added in Trading Cards Section
Version 1.2
Edited Rules Of The The World : TCG Section
Edited Finished Card Setup & Submittal Section To Personal Card Setup Section
Finished Getting Your Deck Section
Added Purchasing Cards Section
Version 1.1
Changed and updated Betting System to Rewards System
Added info on Personal Card Copies on Getting You Deck Section & Upgrading Section
Version 1.0
Created Sections 1-7
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1. What Is The World : TCG? [1WI]
The World : TCG is a card game that was created by Savior X and Lighteria. The game consists of cards that are played by two opponents on a 3x3 game board. When you win card duels with other people, you gain experience; which can allow you to gain levels and make your personal card get much stronger. All of that plus more will be explained in the sections below.
2. Rules & Game Explanation [2GE]
The World : TCG follows a similar system to the Final Fantasy 8 card game, Triple Triad. Each player has a uses a total of 5 cards in one game. The cards at the start of a card duel are chosen randomly of your entire card stock.
Card Description [2CD]
Sample Card -
Ok, let take a look at this card here. Let's start off with the top left corner of the card. There are four numbers there in a diamond shape. Each number represents the strength of the card in that particular direction. IE : 1 Up, 5 Left, 4 Right, 1 Down. Next in the top right hand corner is the elemental symbol. The elemental symbol on this card is Earth, represented by the rock. There are a total of 10 elements along with non-elemental cards. Here are all of the elemental symbols.
Each element listed above has it's own opposite element. Here is the opposite elemental chart.
Fire <---> Ice
Wind <---> Earth
Lightning <---> Water
Posion <---> Wood
Holy <---> Darkness
The effects of opposite elements will be explained later on. Now, let's move on to the two finals things. At the bottom of the card is the name of the card. It states who's personal card it is and who's experience it follows. Finally, in the center is a picture of the character who's personal card it is.
How To Play A Game [2PG]
Alright, let's start off very simple by the first post in a card duel. This section sets up the rules and other information for the card duel. Here is a sample :
Normal The World : TCG Duel - Savior X (Red) V.S. Lighteria (Blue)
Rules : None
Deck : Picked
Rewards : None
First Move : Savior X
Decks :
Savior X - Cadet Valkyrie : Red - Blue; Sky Fish : Red - Blue; Magical Goblin : Red - Blue; Deadly Moth : Red - Blue; Mad Grass : Red - Blue
Lighteria - Disco Knife : Red - Blue; Headhunter : Red - Blue; Chicken Hand : Red - Blue; Snip Snap : Red - Blue; Swordmaniod : Red - Blue
Card Duel May Now Begin.
Now, let's brake the card duel judge's post down.
The first line states the type of duel and who is in the duel. It says Normal duel, so nothing out of the ordinary. Now, it states the two competitors, Savior X and Lighteria. Savior X is stated as Red and Lighteria is stated as Blue. Remember these colors for later on in the duel.
he second line shows the game mat for The World : TCG. Make sure you memorize the spots on the mat and how to specify what spot you are placing a card on. For example, I want to place a card on spot C3; where is that? It is the spot in the bottom right hand corner. Right below that is the Empty Space Marker, remember this. You will need it later on.
The third line states the rules, deck type, bets and the first to move. There are many different possibilities for what can go into the Rules. Here is a list of some of the possibilites (Look down for each different rules specific section for more informaton about them) :
None - Meaning there are no rules and it is just a normal game
Elemental Board - An Elemental Board will be used instead of a normal board
Same - The Same rule will be used in this duel
Plus - The Plus rule will be used in this duel
Combo - The Combo rule will be used in this duel
Same, Plus, & Combo - All three or any combination of those rules will be used, depending on what is chosen
Same & Plus Combo Only - This is a special type of three combination rule where Combos may only be initiated by the Same and Plus rule
Elemental Triple - A catchy name for a combination of Elemental Board & Same, Plus, & Combo rules
Elemental Triple Combo Only - Similar to the Same & Plus Combo Only rule, except an Elemental Board will be used
The Deck specifies how the 5 card deck is determined. There are two types, Random and Picked. Random means that the decks are chosen randomly by the dueling judge of the each person's total deck. Picked means that the players pick their decks themselves and inform the dueling judge. Betting specifies if there will be any betting during the match. Betting will be explained later down. Savior X is stated to go first in the card duel. He will be the first and last to place down a card in the duel; using all 5 of his cards. Lighteria however will only use 4 out of 5 of his cards; making it so that he automatically gains 1 point at the end of the duel. That will be explained at the end of this sample card duel.
The fourth, fifth, and sixth lines state what cards each person will be using for the card duel. The fifth and sixth line give the specifics for what cards each person has. Let's look at the fifth line. Savior X has the following cards : Cadet Valkyrie, Sky Fish, Magical Goblin, Deadly Moth, and Mad Grass. Next to each card are two links, one is stated as Red and the other Blue. You will need to remember to look at those links so you know what to put in your posts for the image links.
Now, let's move on to Savior X's (Red) first post. This is where the action of the game comes in.
RED lays Goblin card down on slot A1.
Ok, let's again brake it down into sections.
First off, you will notice there are these things called Empty Space Cards. They are "Empty Space Markers". Whenever there is a spot without a card in it, you MUST place a Empty Space picture in that spot. Click on the IMG button and paste the URL of the empty space picture in there. Make sure to put down 3 rows of them with 3 in each for starting off.
Now, in the top right corner you notice one card is placed down. to do it, simply remove the Empty Space Picture URL that is there and click on the IMG button, pasting in the link of the card you wish to use. Remember to look up at the duel judge's post to look for the correct link and color of your card.