Well, its almost been a week since I left, and a lot has happened. I'm currently chilling in a hotel somewhere in Montanna making use of their wifi. So far we spent the first night in a hotel, and we've camped two nights in Yellowstone, which sucks. Dont get me wrong, its a nice park, but the lack of good hiking trails and poor campgrounds (SO MANY DAMN RVs AND TOURISTS (not real nature enthusiasts/campers)) really killed some of the experiance. However, once I get around to doing my LJ cut, you will see some great pictures I took. There were a lot of really cool things to see, such as acidic hot springs, geysers, and lots of wildlife to name just a few. Our first day of taking in the sights was a gorgous day. The sun was shining and there were almost no clouds. The second day wasnt so great, what with rolling thunderstorms, rain, and in the evening, snow. It was pretty damn cold that night. So we camped two nights there before heading out for Craters of the Moon National Park (or was it monument?). Anyway, the area is basically the site of a volcano that erupted 2000 years ago, except it didnt explode, rather, a shit-ton of lava flowed out of it, creating some amazing terrain of volcanic rock. Some of which were hollow when they hardened, creating some simply incredible caves. The one we ventured into had ice all over the floor and ceiling, with icicles hanging down in some places. Ice in the middle of what is bacially a step above desert. After we camped there a night, we drove off through Sawtooth National Forest (or maybe its monument...) and saw some breathtaking mountainscapes and high elevation forests. Once we got through, we drove about 300 miles to get to this hotel, where we will make a break for Glacier National Park in the morning. And on that note, I need to upload some pictures and then go to bed. Oh, and because I dont have time to photoshop them, the auto-sizing for photobucket sucks, so sorrya bout that. I will also try to put them in order once I get back from the trip. Its all random right now.
to see the pictures, go here:
http://tk-d00d.livejournal.com/80029.html#cutid1 whew. that sucked. See you guys in a few weeks.