Little Brother

Dec 27, 2010 13:22

A/N: I do not own Sam, Dean and Adam. They belong to Kripke, Gamble and Supernatural.
A/N 2: The story takes place after Sam was brought back from The Cage. But in my world, he came back totally perfect and with his soul and also Adam was brought back too. I love Adam very much, so can’t have him dead in my universe .

Enjoy the story and please leave me some reviews.

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Sam moaned in pain, as his little brother helped him sit on the bed.
“Why don’t you ever listen to me Sammy?” Adam asked as he massaged Sam’s hurt back.
“If I had listened to you, you would’ve been the one with a sprained back. Now I can’t let that happen Kiddo” Sam answered in a pain-filled voice.
Adam’s eyes teared up at Sam’s words. He knew his big brother loved him very much and that was what scared him. Sam would happily die to save Adam’s life. But Adam knew he couldn’t live without his big brother. It was only because of Sam that Adam was able to survive ‘The Cage’ and now that they were back together -alive and hunting, Adam was scared that something would take Sam away from him.
He remained silent, only rubbing Sam’s waist. But after a while, he hugged his brother and sobbed guiltily.
“Sorry Sammy. I should’ve seen the spirit and acted faster. You got hurt because I was too late. I’m so sorry” he cried on his brother’s shoulder.
“Shhhhhh. It’s not your fault Kiddo. Accidents happen during hunts, you can’t keep blaming yourself for that. Don’t think that it was your fault that I got hurt okay? I’ll be fine Kiddo. Don’t you worry at all. I’ll be fine very soon” Sam assured the Kid, hugging him back.
Adam was all Sam was left, surely he could go back to Dean, but Sam didn’t want to disturb his brother’s new safe life. He would go to Dean when it would be the right time. For now, it was just him and his Baby brother. They were all each other had.

Thank you for reading!

little brother verse, sam, adam, supernatural, gen, little brother

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