Peppermint Mocha Cupcakes

Dec 23, 2012 22:16

I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know - no long time no see, huh? Man, I really am the worst. A entire season and a half went by and I didn’t update this blog ONCE. I’m sure you’ve all been refreshing this page every day, in the vain hope that a new delicious treat would be posted. “Why won’t she update her blog????” you would cry to the heavens. “DOESN’T SHE KNOW THIS IS ALL I HAVE TO LIVE FOR???????????”

Well, I’m very sorry. Really. I’ve just been way, way too busy to bake. Or, at least, bake something new and take pictures of it and blabber about it on the Internet. So, yes, I have been baking, but not very often, and nothing I haven’t posted about already.

BUT! It’s Christmas! And I decided, you know, it’s time for something new. It’s time to dust off Jackie Ruins the Cake and place a cupcake on the… desk… that is this website… that I’ve just dusted… um?

Anyway, on to the important part: the cupcakes!

Continued @ Jackie Ruins the Cake

baking and things

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