Gentlemen, Place Your Bets (Peggy/Steve, Howard/Steve; Captain America)

Aug 06, 2012 09:38

I'm not gonna post this on infoldednotes, but here's a link in case any of you guys might be interested?

Title: Gentlemen, Place Your Bets
Characters/Pairings: Howard/Steve, Peggy/Steve
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 736
Warnings: Sexual content, language.
Summary: “I revoke the rights I just granted you. Whoever gets to Steve first wins the prize.” “How drunk are you, exactly?” “The prize being Steve's penis."
Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me. Neither does the Marvel universe. Nothing does. I OWN NOTHING AT ALL IN THE WORLD.
A/N: Just some silly thing I wrote on a whim last night.

@ AO3


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