I didn't take a ton of pictures, but hopefully these will suffice. Footage will be coming in my Five Nerdy Friends video on Thursday.
Snake vs. The Chicken
Spider-Man vs. The Chicken
Stan Lee came to wave at us and everyone started flipping out. "STAN LEE! STAN LEE! STAN LEE!"
Pure awesomeoness.
The panel for "Children's Hospital". I'd never seen the show before but the ones they screened were REALLY funny.
Awesome Spider-Man bag.
Mad skills, son.
Red Mist and Green Lantern. (GET IT? RED AND GREEN????)
Some cool thing, idk.
The two action figures I bought (I'll show the rest of my Comic Con stash in the FNF video)
That dude's Batman costume is AWESOME. And that Joker guy in the background snuck up behind Batman after the photo was taken, challenged him, then pranced off cackling. It was hilarious.
Sweet car/video game thingy.
lol @ the dudes in the background.
It was so much fun! I didn't wind up going today but it was a blast. I'd really love to go again next year.