Fandom Snowflake Challenge Day 4-6

Jan 06, 2018 20:10

Or the days that I am half-assing. Shhhhh. Don't tell.

Day 4

In your own space, create a fannish wishlist. No limits on size or type of fanwork; just tell us what you’d like to see.

UGH. This one gives me hives. I know most people have a problem with this one, but they persevere. I want to persevere as well. Here's my thing though: I haven't been as involved in fandom things enough this year to feel I deserve anything from anyone. I feel too disconnected from people to ask anything from anyone. Then, after I've come to terms that I'm not going to get anything because I don't deserve anything, I get super bummed when I don't get anything. How fucked up is that? And now, not only do I have all of that to deal with, I have to deal with the fact that this post is so pathetic, that even if I do get any of my requests filled, I will assume its because I am pitied.

But, well... I guess that ship has sailed. So, to appease some of my ick feelings tied into this, I thought I'd ask for things that would make you happy, or things we could do together.

♥ Love on a old favorite, obscure tiny fandom. Think back to a favorite book/movie/tv show that moved you or excited you. Go to AO3 and find fic about it. Read it, love it, tell the creator you loved it and what it meant to you. Come and tell me all about it.

♥ Podfic. I've been listening to a bit of podfics and they've been great, so great that I've really wanted a story of mine made into one. So much so that I seriously considered yesterday learning it how to do it myself. And I could do that, and it would probably be okay(ish), but I'd much rather someone else do one. But, I don't know anyone who does podfics and I'm not going to ask a stranger to A) read my stuff and then B) devote their time and energy to creating something for me. I'd rather write something FOR someone and then, if they like it, they can read it aloud. ♥

♥ Geeky Craft Exchange. I like making things. I'm not great at it, but I love it and would like to make things for other people. I also like getting things. Homemade things. Homemade nerd things. Lets make things for each other.

Day 5

Recommend a fannish or creative resource.

I got nothing. Seriously. I was reading everyone else's responses to this challenge and thinking "Yes! This resource is good!" and "I used to love using this resource!" Then I remembered why I stopped using them all. I was spending so much time generating names, plots, so much time writing to get Kittens and Puppies, so much time fuckin' around writing forums that I wasn't, you know, writing. Now my biggest resources is my amazing Google-fu.

But that said, I know where I'll go the next time I need a resource for ANYTHING: Day 5 of

Day 6

Leave feedback for a fanwork. Or multiple fanworks.

OMG did I do this! Lucky for me, this was the last day of the Comment-a-Thon and so I got to kill two birds... almost as if I planned it. *whistles*

And in other reasons I probably should have read for Slytherin, I came up with an amazing cheat for gathering more points. PODFICS! Because, if you listen to a podfic, then you have to leave a comment for the reader AND the writer. Two for the price of one, baby!

And now I'm all caught up and ready for the next challenge. It is going to be a FUN one, I just know it. ;)
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