How are you? Good? I hope so. Excited to write something magical? Awesome! I'm dying to read something glorious myself. This is going to be awesome! ♥
In general I am very hard to disappoint and am VERY enthusiastic about the things I love, and of course these things I requested are things I love--A LOT. So, this should be easy and fun for you.
First, I'll give you a bit about my likes in general and then I'll get into the nitty-gritty specifics. I like STORY and CHARACTER and character development. I like dialogue heavy stories and emotional turmoil stories and characters dealing-with-their-shit stories. I'm not too fussed with happily ever after, but am a sucker for hopeful endings, or endings that leave something to the imagination (without reading as unfinished).
I love experimental stylings, so feel free to use this opportunity to explore that epistolary story you've always wanted to write, or that second person risk you've always wanted to take. Always wanted to tell a story entirely through text messages? Long-form poetry? Go for it!
I'm equally jazzed for witty dialogue and hijinks as I am in angst and working through trauma, so where ever your inspiration takes you. I also am a lover of fusions, AUs and crossovers as well as world building and character study. Like I said before, there is really very few ways you can disappointment me.
Basically, think of all the rest of this letter as helpful suggestions and nothing more. If you love the characters, are tender to them and weave them around a story, wrap them lovingly with language and consideration, I’ll be the happiest Fic-Corner Recip ever.
Hmmm. Now, what did I request again? Let's see.
In no order:
The Outsiders: Where to start with this? Okay, this is basically one of my favorite books ever. When people point to books that changed their lives, I point to this one. I won't get into the hows and whys of that, I'll just throw out some thoughts.
I know in my sign up I gave you no hints when I requested any characters, any rating, but I mean it. There is almost nothing you could do that wouldn't thrill me to no end with this book. Want to do a character study? Go for it. There is literally no character I'm not fascinated with and curious about. Want to tell a future fic? A kid!fic? An origin story about how they all met? That all sounds amazing! You can take them out of Oklahoma, you can take them off the planet, just please, don't take them out of character.
Need more specifics? (If you don't, just skip this and write what you want, but some people need more, so here it is) I'd love a scene from the book told from a different person's POV... like when Dally visits them at the church, how was that for him, or for Johnny. The rumble or the custody trial from Sodapop's POV... something like that. If you really need to know, Johnny Cade is my favorite character, Sodapop is my favorite secondary character. Want to write an AU? I would be intrigued with pretty much anything. Specifically, I like American history, love the the early 1900s to the start of WWII... Shakespeare, English literature... but really, again, anything. Don't be limited by my imagination or expertise. Want to explore relationships? YAY! Like I said, I love them all and would be intrigued by any of them put together. I'm a fan of gen, het or slash so GO CRAZY. My only DO NOT WANT at all is that if you are going to explore the relationship between any of the Curtis boys, that their relationship remain as brothers. They can have angst, they can have deep, emotional dealings... they just can't have sex. At all. Cool?
Inkheart Trilogy - Cornelia Funke: Again, I put any character, any rating because there is NOTHING I do not want explored in this trilogy. This is the one request that has followed me around from all my Yuletides, all my Fic Corners, everything it has been qualified for since I finished the series years ago. So, if you don't mind, I'm just going to cut and paste this request. Or you can write me anything at all. ANYTHING!
I can't be the only one who, after reading the series, wanted to DEVOUR all the fics in all the world about this universe and these characters! And yet, I was shocked with how little there was out there. I feel I've read them all and yet haven't had nearly enough. And yes, what is out there is mostly Mo/Dustfinger, so I feel weird asking for more, but like I said, THERE ISN'T ENOUGH!
Their story is just RIFE with emotions and plot fills and tell-me-mores and I want them all! I want to know more about their journey to and from the land of death, I want to know more about their connection after their return. I'd also like to know more about the process of Dustfinger first coming out of the book, how was that very first meeting? How did Mo feel about the responsibility? How could it all have been different?
There is also, though, the relationship between Dustfinger and Resa. MAN, so much wasn't said in that relationship. How did Resa feel while she was reunited with Mo but still had these feelings for Dustfinger? And then to watch her husband become more and more connected and emotionally invested in Dustfinger, how did that feel? If ever there was a relationship that demanded a threesome whether emotionally or sexually, it was them, am I right?
Meggie is just all things lovely, and while you can disregard this and write any story you want, I'd really like her to be the narrator, as in, I'd love to read a story where she learns to control her own story.
Really, any story with any combination of characters would be aces! Only one request-- incest freaks me the fuck out, so please, please keep Meggie just the daughter and nothing else, cool?
Winnie the Pooh: I admit, my reading of the actual canon is a bit all over the place. I honestly don't know if I've read it all, or if I've read more/seen more of the Disneyfying of the story. But it's mostly the characters and setting I'm interested in and that doesn't seem to change too much between all versions (I think). So, I just love the characters, their interactions, their neighborhoods and shenanigans and I really love reading other people's interpretations of the characters and their interactions. So, tell me a story.
Need something specific to mull over? Lately, I've been fascinated with the Toy Storyesque of it all. That these were Christopher Robin's toys and these stories were the games he played with them. I'd love to see it from the outside, see wee little Christopher Robin and how and why he created Pooh Bear's life and friendships, how they helped, how they shaped and molded him and how he grew up to outgrow them. *sob* That's of course, just one of the many things I'd be delighted to read. And while you don't have to keep the Milne style, I do need you to keep the gen rating of the canon. I work with children and I need to keep it sort of pure, ya know? I already have a hard enough time watching Sesame Street with them since reading the Ernie/Bert dubcon, BDSM story. ;)
Where the Wild Things Are: For such a short, little picture book, I have so many mixed feelings. I hated it as a kid, hated Max because he got away with being bad and nothing terrible happened to him--instead he got to go to a wonderland where he was the ruler of all--and the last insult to injury to how different our lives were was that in the end, he got to go back to his safe and all his own room and a nice warm dinner was waiting for him. I wanted so much for bad things to happen to him.
Then I started taking care of my own Wild Things and I started to see the story and Max in a different light. I mean, I still think Max is a little shit, but I no longer want bad things to happen to him, I wanted to know why he's such a little shit, I want to know where he created those Wild Things, who they were in his everyday life and if he went to visit again... if they lived out in their land in his absence? Basically anything you want to tell me to help me work out my varied and ever expanding thoughts on this story. A warning: I haven't seen the movie so if you borrow canon from it, it needs to stand alone and make sense in the body of your story, cool? And yes, this needs to be pretty clean too... though it need not be as pure and innocent as Winnie the Pooh obviously. ;)
HAPPY WRITING!! See you on the other side with all my love and devotion! ♥