So, Kinky Kristmas is going along swimmingly so far. I'm all caught up on reading (after I read today's stories) and so far there have only been two that I didn't read because of pairing and two because of kinks that squick me. Not bad for the delicate flower that I have become recently. I usually try and stretch myself on the characters and kinks and try pairings and naughties, but maybe its a bit too early in the month for that... maybe later. ♥
But enough about that. I found a gem of a fic over there and want to rec it for any of my friends not following the fest:
Old Habits Are the Sweetest anon Harry/Hermione/Ron, NC-17, 5k. Summary provided by author: “Well,” Ron says, raising his glass of whiskey, “we're here now. So.” He clinks glasses with Hermione. “Here's to the third Tuesday of the month.”
alkdfasl;kdfj This was just amazingly well done as it was smutty as hell, but it wasn't ALL it was about and the sex wasn't just there for our titillation, it revealed character, relationship, place in time and set the tone. The POV shifts are flawless as we get to travel around and see each of them through each of them's eyes, but I never got lost or even noticed the shift. I really want to figure out how the author did that! What I really loved was how at peace, comfortable and respectful they all are of each other but how there is also something of stunted dysfunction that rides along on the underbelly and makes it all the more gorgeous.
One of my favorite parts because it's filthy as hell, but also shows what I mean about characterization and tone...and RON! ♥ (bolding mine):
Ron never knows what to do when he’s on the bottom like this, so he just waits. He’s the one on the bottom, the plinth, as it were, and it’s his job to just hold everything steady. Hermione begins to rock, sort of rub back and forth on the base of his cock, and he rolls his shoulders a bit to catch the rhythm of her, as if he’s hearing a tune that he hasn’t for a while, and it takes him a few seconds to remember the way it goes. Harry goes with her, almost stuck to her back like a cloak of skin and white. Hermione always closes her eyes for this, not because she doesn’t want to see them, but because sex is just one more thing for her to perfect, every performance better than the last; she grinds in a little circle, stopping in mid-swing to tighten both cunt and ass so that they both suck in their breath, and there’s a little quirk to the edge of her mouth, because every success brings more than just physical pleasure.
I highly recommend it. And please, for the love of GOD, if you read something, and it keeps you reading to the end of the story, PLEASE, leave a comment. Even if it is just, "Nice" or "Hot" or repeats all that had been said before. It really means a lot to writers to know they're stuff is being read. ♥♥ I know you all know this, but it doesn't hurt to put it out there.