GUYS! OMG! You would think after four years I'd be used to this... this sad emptiness that happens this time of year, this need to wrap my mind around things (even if there was no real cliffhanger this time). But nope. Again, I wish I had so many people to talk to, commiserate with, speculate with--CLING TO!
So, LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!
White Collar
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Name: Ros
Location:: New Orleans
Favorite character: Tie between Neal and Diana, but tbqh I love everyone on this show
Favorite pairing(s): Peter/Elizabeth/Neal
Favorite episode: That answer always depends on which episode I've seen most recently, because they're all fabulous. Right now, I really like "Burke's Seven"
A White Collar crossover you'd pay to see: INCEPTION--I'm 112% certain that Neal would be really amazing as an extractor/forger/architect
Other fandoms: Suits, Supernatural (+ RPF), Teen Wolf, Merlin, Inception, Harry Potter, Weeds, 30 Rock, Kings, Revenge, Dexter
Other pairings: Harvey/Mike, Jenny/Trevor/Mike, Dean/Sam, Dean/Sam/Jessica, Derek/Stiles, Scott/Isaac, Scott/Erica, Arthur/Eames, Ariadne/Robert Fischer, Harry/Ron/Hermione in every combination, Draco/Pansy, Nancy/ Andy, Nancy Botwin/Every person ever, Emily/Nolan, Dexter/Deb, and also some tumblr ships (specifically, Creamsicle and Earth/Jupiter)
Favorite movies: RHPS, Inception, Velvet Goldmine, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Legally Blonde (I will defend this movie to the death, or at least a moderately painful stabbing)
Favorite books: The Book Thief, Harry Potter series, The Fault In Our Stars, His Dark Materials, The Old Kingdom Trilogy, The Hand of Isis, The Wolf Gift
Favorite TV shows: In addition to the ones that are my other fandoms: Game of Thrones, The Newsroom, Political Animals and THE X-FILES 5EVER
Favorite music: Foxy Shazam, Led Zeppelin, The Killers, Elton John, Son House, Carole King, Franz Ferdinand
The rest of your life revolves around... Academia. Right now I'm a technically-art-history-actually-undeclared-liberal-arts-possibly-philosophy-or-classical-studies? major who simultaneously spends most of my 'spare' time studying while also not studying nearly enough. Also, coffee.
Which song do you have stuck in your head right now? The Kids Are Alright (The Who)
What is your journal like (i.e. friends only, primarily for fic, etc.)? mostly friends only but with fandom posts unlocked
Anything else we should know?
Yay for Newsroom, SPN rpf, and Game of Thrones. And I am loving your music tastes. Friends? :)
My music taste, man, it's pretty much 'ALL OF THESE are not like the others' but I'm glad you approve. :D Which singer/band(s) caught your eye?
Yes, definitely, adding you now~
My headcanon is now adjusted accordingly. Yeah, Neal totally steals ideas. It's already canon that he plants them (blue gemstone, anyone?).
*added you right back*
Anyway, I'd love to be friends. My details are somewhere further down the page, if you want to have a look.
I'd love to be friends, too! Adding you now. :D
Also, I just checked out your entry down the page and have now become obsessed with the idea of a White Collar/Criminal Minds crossover (for instance, one in which an unsub is recreating famous paintings with people and Neal is the main suspect or Neal's father was actually a serial killer who broke out of jail and the BAU is profiling him.)
/runs off to stalk through your fic
I think I'fe read a few White Collar/Inception fics. At least one of them mesh the two by making Neal and Arthur brothers. ♥
Burke Seven is my secondest favorite!
Oh yeah, I think those are by tigriswolf--they're pretty fabulous. I think she also did some RED/Inception/White Collar crossovers, too. There can never be enough WC fic, though, Inception crossover or not ;)
Isn't it great? It has everyone in it, working together, on what essentially a con.
Definitely friends--I'm going to add you now! :D
I'm using that line. BRILLIANT! He really does and is. ♥
I just got into Merlin this summer. I've been having a ton of fun reading the wonderful backlog of stories. I like the canon ones best. So much yummy goodness out there.
Merlin fandom has so much quality fic, it's wonderful. Have you seen this rec list, yet? She divides it into canon and AU, and I think there are at least a few canon sections.
Thank you for the rec list. I've been going through all the canon Merlin fics on AO3, and I have found aznara_recs master rec list. I've looked through a few lists there, but haven't had a chance to really dig deep yet. Thank you again for the help. I really appreciate it.
which series are you on? I haven't seen the most recent, just through the end of three, and I mostly like AUs (modern or canon) but I might be able to point you towards some really great canon fics.
also, do you mind if I go ahead and add you?
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