Water, Sometimes Oil (vlredreign)

Aug 10, 2013 15:00

Title: Water, Sometimes Oil
Beta(s): Minxie
Type: Crack!fic - Fandom Fusion (Harry Potter, QAF, Glam)
Word Count: ~9,500
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Tommy Joe Ratliff, Justin Taylor, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Brian Kinney, Adam Lambert, Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger, mentions of other fandom characters, OFC, various other OCs
Content/Warnings/Enticements: Mention of sex, lots of bad language, drug use, abuse of the English language. Also, there is nothing remotely serious about this fic.
Summary: The gods have a real hate for golden hair. And a sadistic love of wells.
A/N:Mad, mad love to Minxie for riding my ass to get this done, encouraging me along the way when I wanted to chuck the damn thing, and cracking the whip when I needed a spanking. NO BULLSHIT, BB. Thanks to toobusy2write for cheerleading early on, and qafmaniac for the arts and squee. You still rock
my socks!

Link to fic master post: On AO3.
Link to art master post: On DW or on LJ.
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