Rachelfest 2011 is here!

Jan 24, 2011 10:53

It's time to show recurring cast member and the lovely Brit a bit of the fandom love. She's smart and beautiful and sassy and she runs her car into cute boys to get their attention. Not a fading flower our Rachel.

Fic, links to fic, drabbles, picspam, art, icons - whatever medium you'd like to play around in. Feel free to link - this post will be left public and we'll keep going until we're all played out.

Got some Danny/Rachel/Steve hanging around? Second chance at love Rachel and Danny? Family fic? Pre-series stories? Some Rachel/Chin that hasn't seen the light of day? ;)

Warnings: Please use them but readers be aware - all pairings and types of fic welcome (just let's show respect to humans in general, okay?). Femmeslash, het, threesomes, foursomes - it's all good!

Here are two icons to share:

rachelfest 2011

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