Feb 19, 2005 02:44

Cathy did'nt come home as planned, they wanted to keep her another day or so to watch and make sure everything was alright. I told her, this is not the normal way things go, when you have your first baby. Honest! You are suppose to give birth, take your baby home and live happily ever after.

Her gall bladder was bad and she had passed several large stones, that got plugged and that is what made the pancreas enzyme levels go off the chart. Her Dr. told me, he was pretty sure that's what was going on, but had to watch her closely to make sure. He checked everything out during the surgery and her pancreas and liver are fine, her gall bladder is out and I for one am soooooo relieved!
My faith was very weak, when tested. I really struggled with giving Cathy over to God will. I need to work in this area and ask God's help in my weakness. I really felt I was going to lose her too.
Cathy was to sick to take care of Daniel after the C-section and Gall bladder surgery. She asked, if we would take care of him for a few days, until she was better. I have really loved having him here and close. It felt so good to hold a new baby again and stroke his soft cheeks. I literally held him for hours and hours, just rocking him and telling him what fun we will have, as he grows up. He is such a good baby and snuggled close, never fussed, unless he was hungry. Cathy is going to continue with nursing and we used a supplement formula in the meantime. We took a ton of pictures while we had him. Thank goodness for digital cameras. We put them all in a folder and plan on printing the best ones later.
My sleeping habits have been thrown off temporally, but I will get that all settled during the next week. It was so much fun to have him so close. We would spend most of the days at the hospital, so Cathy could see Daniel and then we would drive home in the evenings. I got to give him his baths and feed him, dress him and best of all rock him by the hour. Cathy is home but has been pretty weak and weepy, when Daniel would come and go. She is very happy today, she was sitting up and looked so nice holding him again. I know the next time she gets pregnant and has her baby, it will have a fairytale ending. This has been a real roller coaster for them.
I am going to go back and try to catch up with my LJ friends. I will do the best I can. I hope everyone has been well.
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