Dec 16, 2004 15:07

I am taking a couple days off to just "Veg-Out". The big party was over a few days ago and we have nothing big planned until Christmas Eve, and that will be with my "Prego" daughter and SIL. We plan on spending Christmas Eve with them at our house, having a special dinner, opening gifts and just enjoying the time together with them. This is the last Christmas with just the 4 of us. Next year I will have a fat little baby to cuddle on Christmas Eve and if we are all lucky enough, maybe she will be expecting #2. They want to have as many as they can, as soon as they can. Boy...I'm game...I will baby-sit or whatever I can to help them out. Its not far away now...before our little Daniel comes. We are talking weeks now.
Come on Daniel! The welcome mat has been out for a LONGGGGGG time now!

(excited Grandma of #7!) now remember THIS baby lives in the same state and town with us. We can actually torture this little guy.
(just kidding) unless you can torture him with hugs and kisses. I kissed my nephews baby so much at the party. His little hands, feet, all over his head, arms whatever was there got kissed. He just smiled and smiled, what a Good baby he was. So cute!
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