
Well, it's over...

Aug 05, 2005 16:38

Summer session is now over.  I feel reasonably confident that I'll get my A (needed an 80% or better on the final; never have recieved less then 85% on a test before).  I'm pretty proud of myself.  When I started this short session I thought I was crazy.  And I probably am. =p

A lot of work: 3 hours a day, every day, on a subject that doesn't particularly fascinate me.  Yet somehow I only skipped half a class total.  And the field trip to the zoo, but I wasn't about to walk around for five hours, in the middle of this heat, with my back the way it is.  If I could do the snoopy dance, I would.

Tangentally related, my ship has come in as it were: They're now paying me to go to school.  And I don't have to pay them back.  Granted it's not like what my brother is getting, but it's more then I'm getting working at Kragen.

Speaking of Kragen.  Once again I am assured that this company was built by those without a strong mental faculty.  There's this test to become a driver to ship parts to local commercial stores.  They needed someone (anyone) to deliver a part.  I took the test.  I wasn't allowed to because the fucking test said employees are "prohibited" rather then "shouldn't" like it was spelled out in the study aid.  There is a rather large difference between those two words.  I guess my evil corporate overseers are too busy watching NASCAR to be bothered with effective communication.  Bah.  And they're screwing me on hours.  Five hour shifts are the devil.

Gah, oh well.

Hrm.  What else.  I've discovered the joy that is beer and tacos.  Made them myself, and probably not "authentic" (I used garlic =p) but toasted the tortillas on a cast iron griddle.  I was impressed with myself.  Made me not think of sushi for at least thirty minutes.  Mmm... sushi.

And completely out of left field: I have people sending my gmail account emails from some indian marriage site.

Recently found the proof that 0.999(repeating) equals 1.  Rather nifty.  It's been playing around in my head for a while, and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense in my perspective of reality and fits neatly into my whole world view.  Someday I should expound upon that.
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