Me: Not smoking and want to keep it that way. Ready to end this cycle of excess of emo and move into action.
The Children: School starts soon. All the normal subjects are covered and Flynn gets rock climbing, spanish, fencing and a class called CSI. My son, solving crime. Interesting classes that Grayson has are pre-algebra (and I'm glad my mother is willing to help him because I blanked out on math from here until I got to probability which held my interest), video game programming and guitar. I love our alternative school
The Husband: Is buried under projects.
Animals: The dog has an allergy to something and is taking benezedrine. Cats seem to be fine but, the new kitten may be a bengal cat.
Projects: Continuing to work on the embroidery for Octar's tunic. Will be done shortly and oh my god sorry for the delay. Going to Reginleaf's house to get Norsified. Looking forward to doing some patterning.
The House: the yard is a big wet jungle. Should do something before winter.
Exercise: Now that I can breath, it will be done.
The SCA: Get to be on a Principality reign.
New Project: Clothes that I'm proud to wear.