Today the Nickolaus Pacione Simulator AI said the following over Twitter:
- 18:52 @ Black_Lodge When you bastards go around pirating everything i put out there just so i am about to let some false god worshipping bimbo tal #
- 18:52 @ Black_Lodge I am right now not to go around pirating everything i put out there just so i don't get your facts straight. Before you ev #
- 18:53 @ Black_Lodge A few assholes got mad and decided to steal tabloid purposes iv carried down in new orleans and this is an asshole went a #
- 19:01 @ Monrozombi I guess benny fag is another one who listens to hair metal. I guess those assholes put an anthology out relative in size and se #
- 19:02 @ Monrozombi The official cover for 5 (seems that the asshole likes to get that story published you goddamned cocksuckers and jerrod i am tr #
- 19:02 @ Monrozombi Damn it i can't even say scottish public hair without cracking out. Yeah i want to do screenshots of my projects but i am g #
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