Yes, I'm a Nerd.

Dec 10, 2007 01:41

While doing maths this evening/night/wtfisn'titdone? I came upon a joke. It's so atrociously bad, that if you get it, you should do a literal *headdesk*.

"What's the integral of 1/CABIN dCABIN?"

Houseboat! (logCABIN + C)

Ok, I'm done being a nerd.

I did promise a proper update when I wasn't playing AC, and seeing as how I'm in Belfast at the moment, and the 360 is at home, that's not likely to happen any time soon.

I've been very swamped with maths. Or rather, the realisation of just how much I have to do. I crammed about a week and a bits classes into the three/four hours I was doing of maths today. I've got just under 3 weeks more to do (So, by Tuesday). Also, trying to find anything about cartesian equations on the internet is kinda hard. I think it's a generalised rule, but I can't find anything.

I'm on the verge of breaking into a panic again, and I can't really afford to let that happen. So every so often I'm having to stop and take a break from it. Which isn't helping, because every minute that I'm not doing work is a minute more that it'll take me. But, it's better than becomming a gibbering wreck. The work is manageable, and I'm just trying to rush through it so I'm not spending all Christmas going over old stuff, and have time for the newer things as well.

Queens never got back to me over the theory I sent them, so I'm guessing it was a big pile of nonsense. Even though I still think I'm right. ¬.¬ I might go in and ask them, or something. Though, probably not. It'd be a waste of my time and theirs I guess.

My back's in pretty good shape. Was worried about it the other day, (after falling off my bike) but it seems to be good. Twinges every so often, but that's not exactly surprising tbh. Physio exercises are annoying, and very repetetive. But they are helpful, which is the main point.

I've been listening to music lately. Putting my media player on random and just hitting play is resulting in a lot of stuff I haven't listened to in a while. Which is always good ^_^. If anyone knows of any new bands/artists that they think I'd like, plz to be linking me. :)

Erm, Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff.

That about covers it. Working on tech stuff, back is in good order, and music is good. Also, almost two and a half months without WoW now. I'm surprised I'm not being pressured into playing it more. [/sarcasm] Almost everyone I know that plays it is trying to get me back into playing. And every time they ask "So Tjay, when are you getting back into it?" I have to say "Not right now" or "Maybe after the exams" or "Listen, fuck off about WoW already". I still miss playing the game, and having people come up and say that I should play it, or telling me that it's awesome, or w/e isn't helping. I was/am addicted to it. You wouldn't offer someone who has just come off a particular drug a fix of it, would you? Well, if you were a complete bastard, I guess you would. But otherwise?



nerdism, wow, music, back, maths

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