And in recent news...

Nov 30, 2007 04:13

I've been meaning to post something new lately, just for the hell of it. So here's a recap of life lately.

-Life is pretty good.
-Flu is horrible; 2 weeks on, and it's still lingering.
-Job hunting is getting me down. I mean, wtf. I've been actively looking for weeks, not just browsing through the Irish News every Thursday, and still nothing. Fucking getting fed up.
-Learning important life lessons while up here. One being "Don't break on slippy wood". It leads to putting out your pelvis. Again.

Right. I've got this theory on maths, rather, on Infinity. I'm finding it hard to put into words, though. At its most basic point, I'm saying that our number line isn't so much a line, as it is a circle.

If you imagine a number line, it goes from negative infinity --> zero --> infinity. On this number line, each positive point has a corresponding negative value. E.g., 1 has -1, 2 has -2, x has -x, and infinity has -infinity. What I was thinking, was, what if there was a corresponding opposite for zero. Sort of like a "negative" zero. An inverse zero, so to speak. So, when you reach infinity (not that you can, as infinity isn't a "real" number, rather just a concept) you hit this "inverse zero", and then go to negative infinity, thus completing the circle. When you put 1/0 (please leave 4chan at the door, folks), you get an error on the calculator. That's due to it being uncalculable. What if it was the point at which infinity and negative infinity reach? What if the answer was an imaginary number, like i. If it was on a seperate number line again. Meh, the only reason I began thinking about this was because of the tan graph. the graph tends towards infinity, but when it starts again, starts from negative infinity, without having come back through the other points. What if it hit this point instead? Meh. Check out this link for what a tan graph looks like, and you'll see what I mean.

I did a silly IQ thingy as well. Not a genius, but not far off apparently. Got 143, 144 being the genius point. *snerk* I guessed a third of those as well.

-Finally- got to see Mantic play live. Gotta say, they are a huuuge amount better than I first thought, and I thought pretty damn highly of them. You used to have a supporter; you've got a fan now.

Search weekend tomorrow. It should be good; if tiring. No fucking chance I'm going to try and break my last sleepless record of 51 hours. No way. No. Ok, maybe >.>"

It's 4:40, and I need to sleep. G'night, internets.

job, mantic, music, sleep, maths

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