A Reflection Of Sorts

Oct 02, 2007 10:36

Weee, go me. Using teh taplop in BMC library ^_^. Apparently I'm the first person to use the wireless since it was "officially" launched. How awesome am I? *snerk*

It's been an interesting first month. I'm hoping things will go as well as they have done so far, which they should as long as I keep my head down and get the work done. Which is harder than I remember :/ I can't seem to get motivated to do the work. Which is stupid, because it was my choice to come back to it. Meh. I need a while doing nothing to clear my head, and to rest a bit. Now I'm in Belfast I can sleep in for an extra hour and a half, which is quite honestly pure bliss. I forgot how much I love sleeping. :P

Think I might go out some time this week to celebrate moving up with a drink (singular. Damn morning classes ¬.¬)or at least with some good music. If anyone's up for it, give me a shout later on.

Physics is...ugh, really fucking soul destroying. As soon as you think you've got the hang of it, they turn round and tell you that the formula you've been using for years isn't actually the formula that you're allowed to use. Apparently "F=ma", the infamous one that we all know and love/hate, isn't acceptable for AS/A2. We have to use some silly "F=(Delta)P/(Delta)t" (Can't get the delta sign). It's annoying, and only one of the many things that is making me disheartened about it. :<

One good thing about Physics is that it's showing me how I react under pressure from work and stuff. Not great apparently. I'm falling into the same old habits that I used to fall into, something I really didn't want to do. I know it's just a simple matter of making a conscious effort to stop doing what I'm doing, but to do that I need the motivation to do so. Everything ends up in circles lately.

Something someone asked me last night made me think about my life and how I view others viewing it (if that makes sense). I think I'm paranoid about anyone looking at my life and thinking "Y'know, I don't approve of that". This urge to please people, my parents in particular, has been something about me that I really dislike. I used to think that I didn't care what people thought, which is true. Just not on a subconscious level it seems. Spent too long thinking about that last night...

Which is better than what I spent the night before thinking about -_-". So far I've had half a dozen people tell me "Oh, you're lucky. You're bed's realllllly comfortable!" What the hell? Just how many people have slept in it before me? I know it's a spare room, so people are bound to have crashed in it, but til people started saying it to me I hadn't really thought about it. Of course Doozer didn't really help the matter much. "Oh yeah, we've all slept in it, not to mention those who've slept with others in it too ;)" (Paraphrasing, but you get the gist). So there's me, lying in the bed trying desperately not to think of everyone else having slept in that bed at the same time, not to mention ignoring the vigorous humping that would have accompanied some of them. ¬_¬ Annoying...but amusing none-the-less :P (It really is a comfortable bed though. My back loves it :) )

Not entirely sure I'm going to be able to get enough hours of work with this cafe job to live off've...may have to turn to some night time job...But we'll see. They said they're opening late during the week soon, so hopefully in a couple of weeks they'll be able to give me  some more hours. Would be a nice job, and as it's a cafe, free food? Mehopes so. *already turning into a student*

10 days and counting with no WoW. Ugh. I see it everywhere. I had no idea it had penetrated this far into the current "Mainstream" for jokes/references etc. I still check the rogue forums and stuff. Guess I can't really get it out of my system. "Once you get free, they just puuull you back in!" as someone somewhere once said.

Hmmm...still got an hour to kill before physics (;_;). Guess I should go do some studying...

P.S. Louise? I think librarys being warm are just their nature. I'm about to pass out in the BMC one @.@

job, wow, recap, tech

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