Us vs. the Apocalypse

Mar 09, 2013 09:55

Title: Carnival
Word Count: 1220

Carnival )

story: us vs the apocalypse

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Comments 6

theun4givables March 9 2013, 22:23:38 UTC
I really, really, really am in love with the last line of this section. I just am. I love how you tied in the movie with the current carousel and the Ollies. The explanation for how the virus works, too, was really fascinating and this piece just held my attention from start to finish. :)


tjatorra March 9 2013, 22:50:56 UTC
Thank you!

As soon as I saw the picture I thought of the movie and just knew I had to work it in, somehow. I'd used the abandoned carnival in previous incarnations of this universe (because seriously, zombies in an amusement park are win) but this was the first time I could incorporate a personal-favorite story into my own writing.

Plus, creepy children are awesome.

And thank you SO MUCH for the comment on the last line, because I AGONIZED over it for, like, two hours, and ended up being so ridiculously proud of it. *laughs* I just sat here with the piece ready to post and was prepared to gouge my eyes out if I couldn't come up with a good ending.


theun4givables March 9 2013, 23:47:40 UTC
Oh, man, do I know that agony with last lines. I've been there, where I've spent hours and hours reworking the same line until it was amazing. Just...omg have I been there.


tjatorra March 9 2013, 23:57:57 UTC
*laughs* I remember having a convo with someone once about writing a whole short story with just epic lines. Like, the kind of lines you would use to finish a really powerful section / chapter / entire novel.

We then decided that the story would make people explode, so it never did get written.


eska818 March 13 2013, 17:37:20 UTC
Hilarious note - my mom really doesn't like zombies movies, but she does know I love them so she'll buy them for me sometimes. XD Also homemade macaroni is score!

I don't think I need to tell you that this section is creepy. I love the explanation about the kids though, because at first I was a little confused with why they were talking, since my notion of zombies is pretty much brain dead and no communication. But the whole concept of them retaining a little of their basic abilities is fucking cool, and honestly, a more interesting concept than zombies driven to feed because they're hungry (in my opinion).

And yes, double cool points for referencing Something Wicked This Way Comes. XD


tjatorra March 13 2013, 17:44:15 UTC
Years ago, when Ash and I watched 28 Days Later for the first time, we were talking about the Rage Virus and how we liked the fast-moving, relatively intelligent zombies better than the sluggish ones, and he mentioned that if the Rage zombies could TALK, it would just be a whole lot of "holy shit" going on. I kind of just hung on to that when I started writing this version of UVTA (my old Ollies couldn't talk, though they were still relatively smart). I really liked the idea of a fresh Ollie being difficult to tell apart from a healthy human, though of course the Ollies don't entirely understand why they're talking (they're not as internally sentient as, say, the poor souls in "I, Zombie").

*is all flattered that she won some "fucking cool" points*

Jeff totally downloaded that movie for me last night, too. :D


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