Aug 11, 2007 09:50
They were fantastic live <3 O___O
Kyo was really cute x'D *evil laugh* I think he's got really better live. Well, I haven't seen them before, but on many live-clips I've seen he really didn't sang that well xP
I bought a t-shirt, a photobook and a live DVD (it withers and withers) in the merchandise-thing <3
I spend a lot of time looking at Kyo! If I could I would also have looked at Shinya, but I couldn't see him that well T^T
But anyway Kyo really entertained me! I really loved his singing accapella/acapella/chant <3 O_O and he's little act, where he laughed, cried and whatever he did xD and he's cute dance during "Disabled Complexes" <3 it was amazing!
One thing I really missed was some blood Ö well, maybe I sound a little macabre, but it's really a Diru thing, it belongs to their image!
And they didn't play Obscure, Kodou or Namamekashiki... *cries* But they played The Final <3 I love that song even more after I've heard it live xD
At the beginning of the concert I was standing in the background with some friends, but most people around me was standing still O__O it was boring, so I began to was closer to the stage. At a time I was in some mosh xD I like mosh, it's really fun. Actually I ended really close to the stage between Kyo and Die <3
They didn't talk to the audience, but I really didn't care ^w^
Thanks for a wonderful concert to all who was there =D
dir en grey,
live review,