NaNoWriMo, Day #1

Nov 02, 2010 02:11

NaNoWriMo has begun!

So, two years of tossing around a story idea and never really writing it down, and hours of listening to kyellgold and kmhirosaki talk about writing in their podcast Unsheathed on my long Sydney train rides, and it's all come down to this moment. I've started writing a novel for National Novel Writing Month.

So I've pretty much decided that for every day I finish my word quota successfully I get to get on LJ and gloat! That's my proverbial cookie for doing good. :P

Anyway, for those of you who are interested you can check out my NaNoWriMo page here. I've just concluded my first day, and and now for my word count. Drum roll please!

4332 words!

At the end of my first day and I've finished my first and second day quotas and I'm into my third! Just, whenever I have the opportunity, I'd like to try to write more than my daily quota. Because I know me, and I know there are days that it's just not going to get done for whatever reason.

Well, so far, I'm really pleased with myself. I had a lot of fun writing today. I'm trying a really new tactic for me for this November, in that I've not outlined this story. I've got some scene notes and I've got some brief character outlines, but I've not outlined this story. This is the first time ever. And it's a really really different way of thinking. Like I've just finished a scene and I'm trying to play ahead in my mind and think to myself. "Okay, I know everything that happens between characters between scenes, but when's the next thing that happens that I really care about" And then a jump ahead to that part, and write that scene. It's a lot more free form, but I can see why it's a successful way to write a story. Because only the parts that the writer finds interesting enough to write make it on paper, and those are generally the parts that the reader wants to read.

Anyway! It is late, and I must go to bed. Got finals, and more writing to finish tomorrow!

Good luck to everyone in NaNo this year!

unsheathed, nanowrimo, writing

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