What's happening over here

May 03, 2011 21:18

It has been a busy couple of weeks for me.

Over Easter me and davegotsu went to Eastercon, which was at a hotel by the NEC.
I've never been to a convention before, but had wanted to ever since the one day event I went to in Derby last June. A while to wait really, but as we work Saturdays making weekend plans requires a certain amount of organisation. Plus it seemed convenient to go to a con in the city you already live.

A summary of my experiences can be found on my Other Blog.

It was an excellent and interesting time, and we met some pretty cool people.

On Friday it was my birthday. Everyone seemed very excited about my birthday. I even got a day off for my birthday, without needing leave.
I decided to have a barbecue and so we bought a lot of meat (including some veggie meat) and bread. It was an excellent afternoon with friends, and it didn't rain because it was my birthday. *nods*

On Sunday and Monday davegotsu had friends stay overnight for a gaming weekend. Although I wasn't so involved with the gaming side of thing it was nice to have people about. We had yet more barbecued food, but somehow still had plenty left over this morning.

Next week we are off work. We have various plans, some practical like making a will, and some fun like going to an exhibition in Coventry .
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